
Guidebook Series

Ordering Information:

photoAtchafalaya-Wax Lake Deltas: The New Regressive Phase of the Mississippi River Delta Complex

by H.H. Roberts and J. Sneider, 2003, 68 pp




Price: $20.00



photoEngineering Geology of the Jefferson Island Event–November 20, 1980

Guidebook Series No. 1

by W. J. Autin . 1982 . 30 pp. . Discusses the surficial processes of mass movement associated with the catastrophic mine inundation.



Price: $15.00

LGS Guidebook 2Geopressured-Geothermal Energy Resource Appraisal: Hydrogeology and Well Testing Determine Producibility

by R.H. Wallace, Jr. 1982. 111 pp.

A collection of papers discussing regional and local geology, production well design and operation, surface equipment for gas separation and resource testing; disposal well design and operation, environmental monitoring, and test results for the Technadril-Fenix & Scisson-DOE Gladys McCall No. 1 Well in Cameron Parish.

Price: $20.00


photoQuaternary Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of the Florida Parishes, Southeastern Louisiana: A Field Trip

Guidebook Series No. 5

by J. Mossa and W. J. Autin . 1989 . 98 pp.

Synthesizes concepts of the number, distribution and mapping of Quaternary surfaces in the Florida Parishes of southeastern Louisiana. Ten sites are analyzed in detail.

Price: $20.00

LGS Guidebook 7Salt Mines of South Louisiana, A Field Seminar for the GCAGS 2003 Convention

by B.E. Lock and D.H. Kupfer. 2003. 85 pp. Field trip guide.





Price: $20.00

Atchafalaya River field trip 1987The Atchafalaya River and its Basin: A Field Trip

by J.D. Martinez and W.G. Haag. 1987. 22 pp.

This 285-mile automobile loop begins and ends on the campus of 51Âþ»­ in Baton Rouge. A carefully calibrated mileage chart alerts the traveler to bayous, plantation homes, Indian mounds, Civil War sites, oil and gas fields, chemical plants, and many natural features that influence the Atchafalaya River and basin.

Price: $15.00

Transgressive depositional environments Miss River Transgressive Depositional Environments of the Mississippi River Delta Plain

Shea Penland and Ron Boyd, editors




Price: $30.00