
Open-File Series

Ordering Information:

Amite River Soil Geomorphology87-01 Soil Geomorphology of the Amite River

by W.J. Autin. 1987. 20 pp.

Describes and locates soils in a 2,000-square mile drainage area, with suggestions for improving soil survey accuracy in flood plains. Maps and references.



Price: $10.00


Quaternary Surfaces Western La87-02 Quaternary Depositional Surfaces of Western Louisiana

by R.H. Kesel. 1987. 16 pp.

Examines the Quaternary coastal terraces and the graveliferous terrace units in west Louisiana.




Price: $10.00


Surface Impoundments Assesment for La 198787-03 Surface Impoundments Assessment Final Report for Louisiana

by W.J. Autin. 1987. 43 pp.

A record of the legislative and technical efforts to evaluate relationships between waste disposal practices and the comprehensive management of hazardous waste, with suggestions for further research.



Price: $15.00

87-04 A Preliminary Assessment of the Sand and Aggregate Resources of Three Areas of the Louisiana Inner Continental Shelf: Timbalier Islands, Chandeleur Islands, and Trinity Shoal

by J.R. Suter and S. Penland. 1987. 58 pp. A high-resolution seismic investigation suggests promising deposits of sand in all three areas. The authors recommend vibracore sampling for further confirmation.

Price: $15.00

Environmental Effects of Sand Resource Utilization88-01 Analysis of the Environmental Effects of Sand Resource Utilization on the Louisiana Continental Shelf

by J. Mossa. 1988. 71 pp. This study uses wave energy-refraction models to assess these possible changes. Includes 71 pages of wave-refraction diagrams based on various sand-removal scenarios.



Price: $20.00


La Tide Guage Data Summary88-02 Tide Gage Data Summary (Appendix to Coastal Geology Technical Report 03)

by S. Penland, K.E. Ramsey, R.A. McBride, T. F. Moslow and K. A. Westphal. 198 . 125 pp.




Price: $15.00


La Tide Guage Descriptions88-03 Tide Gage Descriptions and Data (Appendix to Coastal Geology Technical Report No. 04)

by S. Penland, K.E. Ramsey, R.A. McBride, J.T. Mestayer and K.A. Westphal. 1988. 68 pp.


Price: $15.00



La Benchmark Descriptions 198888-04 Benchmark Descriptions and Locations (Appendix to Coastal Geology Technical Report No. 04)

by S. Penland, R.A. McBride, T.F. Moslow, and Karen Westphal




 Price: $10.00



La C14 Data Summary 198888-05 Carbon-14 Data Summary (Appendix to Coastal Geology Technical Report No. 04)

by S. Penland, K.E. Ramsey, R.A. McBride, J.T. Mestayer and K.A. Westphal. 1988. 4 pp.




Price: $10.00


Sand Resources in Terrebonne Parish La88-06 Reconnaissance Investigation of Shoreface and Inner Shelf Sand Resources in Terrebonne Parish: Point Au Fer to Timbalier Island

by S. Penland, J.R. Suter and R.A. McBride. 1988. 73 pp.

Seismic and vibracore data have identified 25 potential, nearby sand sources at Cat Island Pass and at Ship Shoal.

Price: $15.00



Recharge Potential of La Aquifers 198888-07 Recharge Potential of Louisiana Aquifers: A Supplement to the State Aquifer Recharge Map and Atlas Plates

by Don Boniol. 1988. 50 pp. plus appendix.

Accompaniment to the State Aquifer Recharge Map and Atlas plates. Capsule introductions to geohydrology, aquifer recharge, and soils recharge potential. Maps for this publication are available from the , Ground Water Protection, P.O. Box 82178, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884 (telephone 225-765-0585).

Price: $15.00

Nearshore Sand Resources E Isle Dernieres, La88-08 Nearshore Sand Resources in the Eastern Isles Dernieres Barrier Island Arc

by S. Penland and J.R. Suter. 1988. 185 pp.

A preliminary assessment of the sand resources of the region around the eastern Isles Dernieres in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, with an eye toward possible use of such sands for barrier island stabilization.



Price: $20.00


89-01 Water Level Change, Sea Level Rise, Subsidence, and Coastal Structures in Louisiana: An Annotated Bibliography

by L.D. Nakashima and L.M. Loudon. 1989. 27 pp.

A comprehensive listing of publications focusing on water-level and eustatic change, regional subsidence, coastal structures, hurricane impacts, shoreline change, wetland modification, nearshore processes, and headland morphology.

Price: $15.00

La Wetland Valuation, 199090-01 Wetland Valuation for Petroleum-related Operations

by D.K. Batker, J.E. Johnston, III, M.A. Surman, W.C. Kimbrell and J.L. Richard. 1990. 54 pp.

Examines the feasibility of wetland valuation, suggests methodologies, and provides recommendations for further study.



Price: $15.00


Oil and Gas Fields of La, Nebo-Hemphill Field, 199090-02 Oil and Gas Fields of Louisiana: The Nebo-Hemphill Field, LaSalle Parish, Louisiana

by Paul N. Lawless and George F. Hart. 1990. 88 pp.

Traces the structural development of the LaSalle arch in north central Louisiana and describes hydrocarbon reserves within the Nebo-Hemphill Field.


Price: $20.00


91-01 Geologic and Derivative Engineering Geology Hazard Maps of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana

by W. J. Autin and R. P. McCulloh . 1991 . 

File copies available at Louisiana Geological Survey office for review only.

contact Pat O'Neill at poneil@lsu.edu to schedule an appointment

Price: NA


Surface Faults, EBR Parish La, 199191-02 Surface Faults in East Baton Rouge Parish

by R. P. McCulloh . 1991 . 25 pp. plus five plates . $15 for text only.

Investigates the two active faults that traverse East Baton Rouge Parish and affirms the existence of other linear surface discontinuities. Includes 5 folded maps



Price: $25.00 for text only, $30.00 for text and maps


Louisiana 1987 Beach Cleanup91-03 September Sweep: Louisiana’s 1987 Beach Cleanup

by D.M. Lindstedt and J.C. Holmes. 1988. 35 pp.

Records and analyzes the results of surveys taken during the first statewide Louisiana Coastal Cleanup, held 19 September, 1987. Information gathered by the participants provides the first statewide overview of coastal debris.


Price: $10.00

La Surface Geologic Mapping 199292-01 Surface Geologic Mapping in Louisiana: History, Present Status, and Future Prospects

by R. P. McCulloh . 1992 . 20 pp.

Reviews geologic mapping activity in Louisiana from 1934, comparing the decline in geologic mapping in Louisiana to the national decline.


Price: $10.00

Annotated Molluscan Chart 199393-01 Annotated Molluscan Checklist

by F. M. Swain and E. G. Anderson . 1993 . Chart . 

Chart should be purchased with Geological Bulletin No. 45.



Price: $15.00

La Cotton Valley Group Ostracoda93-02 Occurrence of 53 Characteristic Species of Ostracoda from the Cotton Valley Group of Northern Gulf Coastal Areas by Depth, Formation, and Interval Below the Top of the Cotton Valley Group

by F. M. Swain and E. G. Anderson . 1993 . 99 pp.

Report should be purchased with Geological Bulletin No. 45.


Price: $20.00

Adenda to LGS Geologic Bulletin 4593-03 Addenda to the Louisiana Geological Survey Geological Bulletin No. 45

by F. M. Swain and E. G. Anderson . 1993 . 3 pp.

Should be purchased in addition to Geological Bulletin No. 45.



Price: $10.00

Sediment Intervals Associated with Growth Faults in La94-01 Sediment Intervals and Correlative Hiatuses Associated with Growth Faults — An Overview of Published Examples

by R. P. McCulloh . 1994 . 18 pp. plus appendix

Describes a stratigraphic configuration associated with some growth faults, characterized by thick downthrown sequences lacking upthrown equivalents, and summarizes references to this configuration in published literature and unpublished works.


Price: $10.00

Distinctive Patterns in Undifferentiated Alluvium in N La, 199494-02 Distinctive Patterns in Areal Distribution of Undifferentiated Alluvium of Upland Streams in North Louisiana

by R. P. McCulloh . 1994 . 19 pp.

Examines the drastic pinching and swelling that characterizes certain individual alluvial bottomlands, and the rectilinear patterns, suggestive of structural influence, that characterize some networks of bottomlands in north Louisiana.


Price: $10.00

Coastal Zone Impact Identification95-01 Cumulative/Secondary Impact Identification and Evaluation of Authorized and Exempted Activities and in the Louisiana Coastal Zone, Phase I

by Aaron Bass . 1995 . 44 pp. plus appendices.

A review of impacts associated with activities exempt from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division, regulatory authority. Includes total impact calculations by habitat type for activities occurring in fastlands and lands greater that 5 feet MSL, from 1981 to 1994

Price: $15.00

Cameron Parish, La Lower Miocene Depositional Systems, 199595-02 Depositional Systems of the Lower Miocene of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and Their Relationship to the Occurrence and Production of Oil and Gas

by Michael Brister . 1995 . 34 pp. plus 4 cross sections.

A semiregional study of the Lower Miocene section located onshore Cameron Parish in southwest Louisiana. Investigates the relationship of sediment depositional patterns to the occurrence of oil and gas fields, which primarily occur in structural traps created contemporaneously with deposition of interfingering sands and shales along the shelf margin. Includes 4 cross sections.

Price: $50.00

Baton Rouge Topographic Criteria on Faults96-01 Topographic Criteria Bearing on the Interpreted Placement of the Traces of Faults of the Baton Rouge System in Relation to Their Fault-line Scarps

by R. P. McCulloh . 1996 . 23 pp. . 

Supplements and sets forth more explicitly the analysis of geomorphic expression used in OFS 91-02 to map the traces of active surface faults of the Baton Rouge system at the toe positions of their fault-line scarps in East Baton Rouge Parish. Documents the distinctive topographic patterns of substantial regularity shown by these scarps, and interprets them as examples of variable slope reduction.

Price: $11.00

Biological Characterization of La Coastal Zone Marshes96-02 Cumulative/Secondary Impact Identification and Evaluation in the Louisiana Coastal Zone, Phase II: A Biological Characterization of a Representative Fastland Marsh and an Adjacent non-Fastland Estuarine Marsh

by Aaron Bass . 1996 . 124 pp. plus appendices . 

A 12-month study conducted at Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge (Orleans Parish), focusing on biomass export from a fastland to adjacent coastal waters through a municipal pumping station and through a stop-log water control structure. Presents data, summaries, and interpretations based on sites sampled, and includes an analysis of the uses and interrelationship between the environment of the fastlands and the immediately adjacent area.
Price: $20.00

Marsh Buggy and Airboat Use in La Marsh Habitats96-03 Marsh Buggy and Airboat Use in Marsh Habitats, Phase I

by Aaron Bass . 1996 . 54 pp. plus appendices . 

A literature review on the adverse impacts caused by marsh buggies and airboats in the coastal zone. Phase I covers (1) summaries of relevant literature associated with impacts; (2) a summary of direct and secondary impacts based on the literature review and other sources; and (3) review of currently used technology and work methodologies used to conduct 3-D seismic surveys.

Price: $15.00

Potential Seismic Risk with La Wrench Faulting97-01 Potential Seismic Risk Associated with Louisiana Wrench Faulting

by Dave Meloy and Ron Zimmerman . 1997 . 45 pp. . 

An overview of the middle Mesozoic zone of crustal weakness, caused by transform faulting in the north-central gulf coastal area, during plate separation and rifting, which may have become zones of subsequent tectonic adjustments, and the possible physical structural link between a known major, active earthquake zone — the New Madrid — and areas of recorded earthquakes.

Price: $15.00

97-02 Marsh Buggy and Airboat Use in Marsh Habitats, Phase II

by Aaron Bass . 1997 . 59 pp. plus appendices . 

An investigation of the environmental impacts on and recovery rates of vegetation and soil sustained by the use of marsh buggies and airboats associated with seismic surveys in the Louisiana coastal zone, studied in two federal wildlife refuges.

Price: $15.00

04-01 Surface Geology of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

by Saul Aronow with preface by Paul Heinrich, 2004, 22 pp.


Price: $15.00

06-01 Monitoring Saltwater Front within Sparta Aquifer in North Central Louisiana

by Douglas Carlson and Thomas Van Biersel, 2010, 40 pp.

Discusses the extent of the Sparta Aquifer, usage patterns, and chloride concentrations in affected parishes.


Price: $15.00

10-02 Distribution of Chemical Agents Which are Adversely Impacting Water Quality That are Related to Lignite Within Aquifers of Northwestern Louisiana


Price: $15.00

LGS Open File Series 01-2016Columnar Section of Differentiated Wilcox Group Strata Exposed in Northwest Louisiana

by Richard P. McCulloh, 2016, 4 pp.

Compiled from information presented in Murray (1948) and Andersen (1960, 1993). Presents an attempt to graphically summarize in a single diagram essential information pertaining to differentiated surface Wilcox Group strata in northwest Louisiana given for De Soto and Red River parishes by Murray (Geological Bulletin 25, 1948) and for Sabine and Natchitoches parishes by Andersen (Geological Bulletin 34, 1960, and Geological Bulletin 44, 1993).


Price: $10.00. Digital copy available.


Pioneer 24k thumbnail16-01 Pioneer 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps



Epps 24k geology

16-02 Epps 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps



Pride 24k geology

16-03 Pride 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps



Watson 24k geology

16-04 Watson 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps



Lafayette 24k geology

17-01 Lafayette 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps


Broussard 24k geology

17-02 Broussard 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps


Milton 24k geology

17-03 Milton 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps


Youngsville 24k geology

17-04 Watson 7.5 minute Geologic Quadrangle Map

by Rick McCulloh and Paul Heinrich


Price: $55.00

see 24k geologic maps



St Helena Astrobleem18-01 A Study of the Brushy Creek Feature, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana

by Andrew Schedl




Free, just click on the image to download.


OFR 21-0121-01 Electrical Resistivity Surveys of Mock Clandestine Graves in Outdoor Forensic Laboratories

by Marty Horn, PhD



Free, just click to on the image download.