
Graduate Certificate of Strategic Communication | LSU Manship School of Mass Communication

Certificate of Strategic Communication




For more information about the MMC curriculum: 

meghan sanders

Dr. Meghan Sanders

Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies



Strategic Communication Certificate Curriculum

Our certificate of strategic communication program is designed so that students earn the certificate in three semesters as a part-time student. The cost of completing the certificate will vary, depending on how many hours the certificate-seeker enrolls in each semester, but you can learn more about the LSU fee schedule.

Degree Requirements

I. Core Required Courses (9 hours)

  • MC 7042: Foundations of Strategic Communication (3) Fall Only
    • Overview of strategic communication, concentrating on theory, research, planning, implementation and evaluation; how professionals use advertising, public relations, social media and marketing to develop integrated messages for a variety of audiences.
  • MC 7043: Strategic Communication Campaigns (3) Spring Only
    • Pre-requisite: Credit in MC 7042
    • Conceptualization and practice of strategic communication in a variety of settings; students use principles and contemporary practices to implement campaigns aimed at aligning and advancing organizational and stakeholder goals.
  • MC 7019: Emerging Media: Theory, Application, and Effects (3)
    • Policy and Technology (Emerging Media). Think of this class as your primer on all things digital. We will focus on studying emerging media effects on culture, economics, politics and the presentation of news. Taught in the newly constructed Social Media Analysis & Creation (SMAC) Lab. 

II. Two Mass Communication Electives (6 hours)

  • Certificate students can take any graduate-level mass communication course. Elective courses taken by previous certificate students include but are not limited to the following:
    • MC 7018: Legal Problems of the Mass Media
    • MC 7032: Health & Science Communication
    • MC 7033: Race & Gender in Political Communication
    • MC 7040: Crisis Communication
    • MC 7041: Political Communication Writing
    • MC 7044: Visual Communication
    • MC 7999: Special Topics in Mass Communication


To be considered, you must have the following:

  • A cumulative 3.0 undergraduate GPA (transcripts from all undergraduate institutions must be submitted)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose

For 2024 international degree requirements, please visit https://www.lsu.edu/graduateschool/admissions/international_admissions.php

There is not a word limit or requirement for the statement of purpose. However, statements should go beyond what is available in a transcript and resume.

  • What are your goals?
  • Why and how do you think this MMC program is the best one to help you achieve those goals?
  • Are there any faculty members you would like to work more closely with?

The statement should help us learn more about you that we may not be able to learn from your transcript or resume.

Sometimes, applicants will submit a supplemental statement if there is more they wish us to know about their previous educational experiences, but this is not required. Applicants should not share personal or private information in this statement, but can generally contextualize previously earned grades or challenges they may have faced in former programs of study.

  • Writing sample

There is not a word or page limit for writing samples. Prospective students have varied backgrounds and goals. So, we remain open to the range of writing samples. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

  • portfolios
  • journalistic stories
  • honors theses
  • class papers
  • published works

You do not have to submit a sample of scholarly writing if you do not plan to pursue the scholarly track. We recommend submitting the strongest samples you have that demonstrate your written communication skills and/or the interests you intend to pursue while a student in the program.

  • Resume
  • GRE score

When you complete the online application:

  • Make sure you choose Mass Communication as your degree program (NOT Communication Studies)
  • The LSU institution code for the GRE and TOEFL is 6373
  • Encourage your recommenders to submit letters to the online system
  • A writing sample and a statement of purpose are required as part of the online application

Domestic Students:

  • Fall Admission: June 30
  • Spring Admission: November 15
  • No summer admission
  • We accept applications on a rolling basis. We encourage you to apply as early as possible. 

International Students: 

  • Fall Admission: April 15
  • Spring Admission: October 1
  • No summer admission
  • We accept applications on a rolling basis. We encourage you to apply as early as possible. 

Start Your Online Application Today!

Want to learn more about our certificate of strategic communication?

For further information, contact msand@lsu.edu or ManshipGrad@lsu.edu.