

    Policies and Procedures

    Meeting and Event Guidelines

    LSU is following local, state, federal and CDC guidelines to protect the health and well-being of the LSU community. All in-person attendees will be required to follow CDC guidelines for physical distancing and face coverings, when appropriate.

    • All meetings and events in academic buildings can begin at 7:30 a.m. on both weekdays and weekends.
    • All meetings and events in academic buildings will need to end by 9 p.m. on weekdays (Monday-Friday).
    •  Events must be sponsored by a full-time Mass Communication faculty or staff member who agrees to take responsibility for the forum while in use. 
    • If users do not follow policies and/or if any damage occurs, we will bill your organization for any repairs.

    Manship School/Reilly Center Functions and Events

    Faculty and staff of the Manship School and Reilly Center may normally use the Holliday Forum and Terrace for activities and events that directly support the mission of the Manship School/Reilly Center at no charge.

    Mass Communication graduate/undergraduate students and student organizations must be sponsored by a full-time Mass Communication faculty or staff member who agrees to take responsibility for the forum while in use by students or student organizations. This faculty/staff member must be present in the Forum or on the Terrace during the entire time the space is in use for the event.

    Student organizations may be charged fees to cover equipment usage, staff time, security, special cleanup or other items.

    Other LSU Units/Groups Functions and Events

    The Forum and Terrace are available for use by other university units and groups on a case-by-case basis for events deemed to be related to the university's mission. Online applications from university units or groups must be submitted 14 days in advance of the event using the same procedure and policy as outlined above. Events must be sponsored by a full-time Mass Communication faculty or staff member who agrees to take responsibility for the forum while in use by students or student organizations. This faculty/staff member must be present in the Forum or on the Terrace during the entire time the space is in use for the event. Non-Mass Communication units will be charged fees to cover expenses of using the Forum or Terrace.

    Food and Beverages

    Great care must be taken to ensure that the facility is thoroughly cleaned and any garbage removed.

    • No red wine may be served in any area of the building.
    • When events are approved, the sponsoring unit or group will be responsible for all catering arrangements and cleanup, and will reimburse the Manship School for any damages or costs incurred as a result of the event.
    • Catering on the LSU campus is governed by PS-60 and all catered events must adhere to that policy.
    • Service of beverages other than coffee and soft drinks will be considered as food service and must be approved in advance. The sponsoring unit or group is responsible for compliance with state law and university regulations regarding alcoholic beverages as stated in PS-78.
    • Any LSU unit or off-campus organization must provide any and all food and beverages strictly in accordance with PS-11 and PS-60. Only caterers approved by LSU Procurement Services may be used.

    Off-Limit Areas and Restrictions

    Classrooms, faculty and staff offices, and terrace area are off limits to meeting attendees unless special arrangements have been made. You are not to attach anything to the wall surfaces in any part of the building. Any announcement or advertisements must be attached to a portable surface (tripod, etc.)


    There may be events involving large numbers of people and/or posing special risks which require retaining the services of LSU Police officers. These arrangements will be made by and at the expense of the sponsoring unit or group. LSU Police provides requests for both on-campus and off-campus organizations. The services contract may be printed and submitted to LSU PD.

    Manship School and/or Reilly Center staff may be attending events to ensure users follow the policies. If the users do not follow the policies, and/or if any damage occurs, we will bill your organization for any repairs.


    LSU units may pay additional fees through Interdepartmental Transfer (IT). Failure by anyone to pay required fees will result in rejection of subsequent requests to use the Holliday Forum or Terrace.


    Questions regarding this policy should be directed to 225-578-1899.