Event Security | LSU Police

Event Security

Event Security

LSU Police Department provides security for event services per University Policy. The services contract may be printed and submitted to LSU PD: LSU Police Services Contract.

You may contact the Special Events Coordinator by email at lsupdevents@lsu.edu or by telephone at 225-578-3231. Please ask for the Special Events Coordinator.

LSU Police Department has the sole responsibility for providing police and security functions on the campus of LSU. This means that groups or organizations may not contract with any off-campus agency for policing, parking, or security of events held on campus. Police and security needs must be discussed with LSUPD and if it is determined that a need exists, LSUPD will provide the resources or make arrangements with university approved entities. This often incurs a cost to the organization.

LSU Finance and Administrative Operating Procedure (FASOP) “LSUPD-01”, provides guidance to campuses served by LSU PD, for use of private security companies at campus events: LSUPD-01.

Police Services contracts are only accepted via email and should be emailed to lsupdevents@lsu.edu.


Many factors determine the need for event security. The LSUPD will work with event coordinators to determine the security needs for the event, however the LSUPD shall reserve the right to determine staffing and security measures needed for any event on the LSU Campus or it's satellite locations.

Some of the factors included in determining security needs are:

  • Type of event
  • Day/time of the event
  • Location of the event
  • Number of other events occurring at the same time that also require security
  • Expected crowd size
  • History of similar events
  • History of sponsoring organization
  • Ticket sales occurring at point of entry
  • History of performer/speaker at other locations
  • Alcohol at the event

All organizations must sign a contract for services found at the link above. This contract contains but is not limited to the following information:

  • The rate for each officer assigned to the Special Event is $70.00/hour.
  • There is a four hour minimum for each officer requested
  • All sums will be due within 14 days following receipt of an invoice for services rendered. For purposes of this agreement, receipt of the invoice means either the date on which the invoice is deposited, postage pre-paid in the United States Mail to Organization at the address provided, or the date on which the invoice is hand delivered to Organization.
  • Non-Campus Organizations agree to make payment in cash, or by check or money order made payable to LSU Police Department.
  • Campus Organization agrees to make payment in cash; by check or money order made payable to LSU Police Department; or charged to an LSU Departmental Account or LSU Campus Organization Account.

The organization may terminate this contract upon written notice to LSU PD. Written notice of termination must be received by LSU PD, at its address or by email at lsupdevents@lsu.edu, at least 72 hours prior to the beginning time of the Special Event, or the organization agrees to pay the minimum due as specified in the terms of the contract.

LSU PD may terminate this contract, in writing or orally, at any time, if it determines that the staffing level requested by the organization for the Special Event is inappropriate for officer safety, Special Event security, or crowd control. 

The contract must be completed and submitted to LSU PD a minimum of 10 working days prior to the Special Event. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the Special Event. LSU PD reserves the right to refuse to provide officers for special events due to departmental manpower requirements and other previously scheduled events. If all approvals are obtained and the contract is submitted on time, but LSU PD is unable to provide off-duty officers for the Special Event, assignment of an outside agency or security group is contingent upon the approval of an LSU PD authorized representative. The alternate agency or group will be provided by the LSU PD.