
Spring Break Safety

Safety Tips:

Safety on the Road:

  • Before getting on the road, remember to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle. 
  • Plan ahead! Avoid going to ATMs or gas stations at night, if possible. Keep all debit/credit cards in a safe place.
  • Instead of carrying large sums of cash, use a debit/credit card. Some cards insure property purchased with these cards against lost, theft, or damage. 
  • Let someone know what route you will be taking to your destination; let them know where you final destination will be; let them know who you are with, how long you will be there, etc. 
  • Keep gas tank more than 1/2 full at all times. 
  • Avoid driving distractions, such as eating, texting, or being on social media. 
  • If you find yourself in immediate danger, dial 911!

With a Drink:

  • Legal drinking age in the state of Louisiana is 21. If you decide to drink, remember to eat, pace yourself, and set reasonable limits. 
  • Remember to stay hydrated by drink plenty of water. This is especially important in the sun, which maximizes the effects of alcohol on the body. 
  • Do NOT accept drinks from people that you do not know!

Out and About:

  • Stay with friends at all times. If you leave with your friends, come home with your friends!
  • Always know where you are, where you are going, and how to get back to your hotel/condo. 
  • Know your surroundings and know where to get help if you need it. 

officeres and students at safety training