
see something flyer - text only details below

If You See Something, Say Something

If you see something suspicious, tell someone. Submit anonymous information to LSU Police. 

The safety of all members of the LSU community is of utmost importance to us, and for that reason we are asking everyone to come together and look out for each other.

If you witness any suspicious behavior, we ask that you report it immediately by dialing 911 or by using the LSU Shield app.

Suspicious behavior or circumstances can include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Anyone forcibly entering a car or home.
  • Someone tampering with property.
  • Strangers loitering or entering rooms, offices, or labs with no legitimate reason.
  • Someone carrying a weapon.
  • Strange vehicles parked in your area.
  • Any behavior that is out of character on a college campus.
  • Packages left unattended.
  • Suspicious or noxious odors.

If you are unsure, call LSU Police by dialing 911. A false alarm is always better than a crime that could have been prevented.

The “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign was created by the Department of Homeland Security to raise public awareness of indicators of potential terrorist and other criminal activities, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the authorities.

Officer Berry at training with sorority