
Anonymous Tips

If you have an emergency or need an immediate response, please dial 911 or 225-578-3231.

Our community depends on its citizens to report crimes and concerns promptly to support crime prevention efforts. If incidents go unreported, little can be done to prevent members of our community from becoming victims. You can help by reporting suspicious or concerning behavior and criminal activity immediately.

Anonymous reporting allows you to report suspicious or concerning behavior and criminal activity. This is not to be used when you expect a police officer to contact you the same day or for an emergency situation. Dial 911 for emergencies. For non-emergencies, dial 225-578-3231.

If you would like to file a police report, you must contact 225-578-3231. This feature is not to be used in lieu of filing a police report. 

Sending your personal information to us is not required. However, if you would like to be contacted about your concern, please complete the name, phone number, and email boxes prior to submitting this form.

It is our policy to not trace the origin of an email sent via this form unless it is in the interest of public safety.

Providing false information or messages intending to threaten, terrify or harass could make you subject to fine, imprisonment or both (LRS 14:59 Criminal Mischief and/or LRS 14:40.3 Cyberstalking).