
Pedestrian Safety

On-campus conflict between pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles and motor vehicles is a concern for everyone. With increasing frequency, these conflicts result in crashes causing injury and property damage. Safety is the responsibility of us all.

Pedestrians are vulnerable to motorists and bicyclists. Though crosswalks offer unique warnings for these modes of travel, be mindful of your individual safety. Never walk into the path of a moving vehicle. Don’t forget to take advantage of the free Tiger Trails Service and Campus Transit

Safety Tips When Walking:

  • Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Keep your eyes up and ears open! Do not walk and text at the same time! Do not have ear buds in both ears!
  • Pay particular attention to vehicles entering and exiting driveways/parking lots. 
  • Look both directions before crossing in the crosswalk. 
  • Wear reflective clothing if it is dark out. 
  • Pedestrians right-of-way in crosswalks
  • Crossing other than crosswalk
  • Pedestrians right-of-way on sidewalks
  • Traffic-control signals

LSU is a pedestrian-friendly campus. However, pedestrians are still required to use the designated crosswalks that are in place throughout campus. We must all work together to keep our community safe. 

crosswalk safety