
Report Officer Misconduct

You may report officer misconduct in one of the following manners:

  • Via phone: Call 225-578-3231 and ask to speak with the Patrol Division Commander or any On-Duty Patrol Supervisor to field your complaint (if you do not wish to complete the complaint form below). 
  • In-Person: Visit LSU Police at the Public Safety Building, located at 204 South Stadium Road and ask to speak with the Patrol Division Commander or any On-Duty Patrol Supervisor to field your complaint (if you do not wish to complete the complaint form below). 
  • If you would like to file a complaint utilizing the form below, please complete the Personnel Complaint Affidavit. The On-Duty Patrol Supervisor (ex-officio notary) will notarize the form once it is completed by the complainant. (The complainant may print the form and have it notarized on his/her own and drop it off to the Patrol Division Commander or any On-Duty Patrol Supervisor).