
Concerning Behavior

You should report any observations and incidents that cause you to be concerned about an individual's well-being. Direct or implied threats to self and/or others should be taken seriously and reported to Police immediately. This can be done by dialing 911. 

The safety and security of our community is a shared responsibility. Early intervention strategies can often result in successful mitigation. 

People are often hesitant to contact Police about behaviors due to a variety of reasons. LSU Police encourages ALL reports of suspicious/concerning behavior, even when a crime may not have been committed. LSU Police works closely with University and community partners in order to effectively respond. Some reports may warrant a referral to the LSU CARES network, rather than a Police response.

Signs of Concerning Behavior may Include:

  • Classroom disruptions
  • Stalking and harassing contact/communication
  • Erratic or strange behavior, including paranoia
  • Threatening words, gestures, ideations, attempts and actions
  • Clear signs of distress or difficulty managing stress
  • Inappropriate emotional and social responses
  • Poor personal hygiene and care that leads to disruption
  • Substance abuse

Importance of Reporting:

  • To ensure that behaviors of concern do not escalate.
  • To ensure that appropriate resources may be directed or communicated.

Important Considerations:

  • Describe details of the behavior so an appropriate response may be identified.
  • Provide names and contact information for witnesses.


are welcome, however, please be aware that this may create unnecessary obstacles for follow-up. The University will, to the extent permitted by law, maintain the confidentiality of all reports. 

If there is a possibility that a student may harm themselves or others, dial 911 immediately!