Yongick Jeong
Digital Advertising Area Head; John H. Bateman Professor, Associate Professor | 252 Hodges Hall | (225) 578-7381 | yjeong@lsu.edu | CV
Yongick Jeong received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. His interests include advertising, new and entertainment media and measuring advertising effectiveness. He teaches media research and media analysis.
Selected Publications
Jeong, Y., Shaw, J., Richart, E., & Dunnam, C. C. (forthcoming). The impact of the 2020 BLM resurgence on the racial representations of ads and ad evaluations: Analysis of Super Bowl ads. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Jeong, Y., Diep. U., & Tran, H. (forthcoming). Examining the influences of message formats, context-induced moods, and issue-relevant determinants on the effectiveness of ecolabels. Journal of Promotion Management.
Jeong, Y., & Shaw, J. (forthcoming). Examining influences of personal factors on the first- and third-person evaluations of public health issues among young adults. Health Marketing Quarterly.
Jeong, Y., Diep, U., & Tran, H. D. (2024, published online). The effectiveness of health warning labels and environmental warning labels in different contexts of advertisements and public service announcements. Journal of Marketing Communications.
Jeong, Y., Shaw, J., & Weng, J. (2024). Covering COVID-19 in the U.S.: Factors influencing the news coverage of the global health crisis during different pandemic situations. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 101(3), 726-748.
Yang, C., Kim, G., & Jeong, Y. (2023). Exploring strategies to promote health services online: The role of contextual priming, digital ad type, and health threat orientation in determining the effectiveness of health service ads. Health Marketing Quarterly, 40(1), 39-58.
Jeong, Y. & Lee, S. (2019). What determines international disaster coverage in the US news media? Journalism, 20(12), 1593-1610.