



August 2021 - Louisiana Board of Regents awards grant to expand the role of Plasma Etching at LSU into the 21st century. The Oxford 100 ICP/RIE tool will undergo enhancements to the current system while incorporating new plasma etching capabilities currently not offered in the state of Louisiana. Upgrade completed April 2023


August 2020 - LSU Faculty awarded NSF grant acquiring a Near - Field Optical Microscope  Installation completed January 2022


May 2020 - Research group discover alloy beneficial for military operations using Spectroscopic Ellipsometer data


June 2018 - NFF Director Prof. Kevin McPeak secures near $1 Million Louisiana Board of Regents Departmental Enhancement Grant




August 2021 - The Temescal E-beam Evaporator upgrade completed with new controls that allow multi-layer deposition and automatic rate control.  A new dry pump and cryopump were added to improve pump down time. Deposition materials available: Au, Cr, Cu, In, Ni, Pt and Ti




September 2019