
The NFF provides state-of-the-art instruments for designing, fabricating, characterizing and testing of complex nano and microscale structures and devices. The NFF is housed within a 2500 square feet ISO-5 cleanroom inside the experimental hall at CAMD. The facility is open to all LSU and external (industry) researchers.  Cleanroom staff support is available for training, process consultation and collaboration on new process development. Visit the How to become a user page for more details.

Cleanroom Events


December 2023

The fall semester "Special Topics" course offered at the NFF completed

November 2023

X-Ray Diffractometry now available with the installation of the Bruker D8 

May 2023

LSU engineering students completed the first "Special Topics Course" offered at the NFF

April 2023

The Oxford PlasmaLab 100 (ICP/DRIE) - "Bosch Process" upgrade completed

January 2023

The NFF welcomes the addition of the J.A. Woollam IR-Vase Mark II Ellipsometer to its fleet of characterization tools.  The IR -Vase covers the wide spectral range from 1.7 - 30 microns (333 -5900 wavenumbers)

March 2022

Rapid Thermal Processing capabilities now available with the installation of the Jipelec JetFirst RTP/RTA

January 2022

The neaSpec Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope is now operational. The microscope combines nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy all in one tool



Nanofabrication director awarded enhancement grant from the Louisiana Board of Regents bringing (PECVD) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition capabilities to LSU.

Polarimetry data collected at the NFF instrumental in the development of an ultraviolet metasurface that can detect weak biomolecular activity, aiding in the discovery of neurodegenerative diseases at the early stages.  Click the link for the full article

LSU Chemical Engineering PhD student's SEM images taken at the NFF featured on the cover of the July/August 2022 edition of the "Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology"

LSU Engineering Faculty collaborate on the development of water treatment systems for private wells using UV Light 

Nanofabrication Facility featured in LSU Chemical Engineering promo video