Planning and Assessment Framework

Accreditation Alignment

In alignment with expectations, LSU demonstrates a commitment to the principles of continuous improvement, based on a systematic and documented process of assessing institutional performance with respect to mission in all aspects of the institution. The continuous improvement cycle includes the development of a plan, identification of expected outcomes and associated measures, assessment of the extent to which the outcome has been achieved, and evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the findings.

The following SACSCOC principles are addressed via the campus-wide strategic planning process:

  •  7.1 The institution engages in ongoing, comprehensive,and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission.
    • Required Participants: All Planning Units
  • 7.3 The institution identifies expected outcomes of its administrative support services and demonstrates the extent to which the outcomes are achieved. (Administrative/operational outcomes)
    • Required Participants: All Planning Units
  • 8.2.c. The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results: c. Academic and student services that support student success. (Student success outcomes, student learning outcomes)
    • Units Reporting to: Academic Programs & Student Support, Student Affairs, and Others as applicable


Contact Us

Tara Rose
Associate Vice Provost


Rachel May
Assistant Director for Planning & Assessment