Sponsor Account Requests

Sponsor Link Description
eRA Commons Account

Complete this request for an eRA Commons account.  eRA Commons is used by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services agencies (i.e. NIH, FDA, CDC, SAMSHA) and the Department of Commerce agencies (i.e. NOAA, EDA, NIST).  Requests are usually processed within 1-2 business  days.

New users can click this link to create an NSF/Research.gov account.  After you log into your account,  you will need to select the appropriate role in your profile. (i.e. Principal Investigator (PI/co-PI) or Other Authorized User (OAU)). OSP will notify you once your role has been approved and affiliated with LSU within 1-2 business days.

This link allows the PI to reset their NSF/Research.gov password.

ORCID iDs are unique identifiers assigned to individual scholars and researchers to distinguish scholars from one another. Using an ORCID iD allows your manuscripts, grants, and other scholarship to be more discoverable and integrated within larger research networks. ORCID iDs are commonly required by publishers and external funders. 

Beginning October 1, 2019, NIH, AHRQ and CDC will require ORCID iDs to be linked to the eRA Commons account for individuals supported by institutional research training, career development, and other research education awards.

This link will allow individuals to register for an ORCID iD. After completing the registration, individuals can link their ORCID iD to their eRA Commons personal profile by following these .

Complete the Recipient User Account Request Form and send it to osp@lsu.edu for review and submission.

GrantSolutions is used by agencies such as U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Housing, Urban Development, Small Business Administration, and U.S. Department of Interior (i.e. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey).

Principal Investigators need to have an account to receive communication on submitted proposals and awards.

If you have any other questions about any other sponsor systems, please contact osp@lsu.edu.