National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF 24-1
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide for proposals due on or after May 20, 2024.
Key Changes include:
- Updated instructions for the NSF Biographical Sketch to implement the common form developed by the National Science and Technology Council’s Research Security Subcommittee. There is no longer a page limit for the Biographical Sketch.
- The Synergistic Activities section has been removed from the Biographical Sketch. Synergic Activities must now be submitted separately as part of the senior/key personnel documents.
- Updated certifications to the NSF Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Form which require the senior/key person to certify that the information provided is current, accurate and complete and includes domestic and foreign disclosures. The senior/key person must also certify that, at the time of submission, they are not a party in a malign foreign talent recruitment program.
- The requirement for a Mentoring Plan has been expanded to include funding for postdoctoral scholars and/or graduate students.
- Additionally, each NSF award that supports postdoctoral scholars and/or graduate students must have an Individual Development Plan on file for each individual, which is updated annually.
A full Summary of Changes can be found at .
The NSF policy office hosted a webinar on PAPPG 24-1 on March 12th, 2024. The recording can be viewed .