Contractor Staging & Parking Permits

Contractor Permit Policy:

All contractors performing work on the university campus are required to obtain proper parking credentials through the Parking & Transportation Services office. If a contractor would like to request access to a specific lot and/or space within a given lot, they must coordinate with their LSU Project Manager or point of contact, and Parking & Transportation Services. All contractor vehicles on campus must be registered with Parking & Transportation Services and must provide an up-to-date vehicle make, model, color, and license plate number. Contractors with a valid parking pass must request access to a specific lot. Contractors will be granted access only to their approved lot. 

Contractor Staging Rates:  

Parking Permit Rates Annual Monthly
$2,200 $550
$1,100 $275
$200 $50

Contractor Parking Rates:

Parking Permit Rates Annual Monthly
Commuter $150 $30
Premium (B Lot, Law Lot, Ulab, and Residential) $550 $110
Core Multi Access $800 $160
Core C Lots $750 $150
X Permits $125 $25
Park & Geaux $50 N/A
Motorcycle W/OUT Vehicle Registration (Only If Within Paid Staging Area) $45 N/A


PTS Contact Information:

PTS Office: Contract Information: Point of Contact Hours of Operation:
Main Office
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Parking Sales & Service
Amy Hebert
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday

Contractor Parking & Staging Request Form:

Contractors requesting to purchase a permit must officially submit a Contractor StagingContractor Parking Permit Request Form.

For questions regarding this policy, please contact Parking & Transportation Services at 225-578-5000 or email