Permit Reference Guide

If you possess a valid permit but are not sure where to park on campus or which lots you have access to, please use this helpful Permit Access Guide. You can also visit the , which will provide you with the exact location of all parking lots and zones across campus.

D Parking Permit

D Permit: Reserved 24/7- May only park in the assigned parking space and X lots.

C Parking Permit

Faculty/Staff C Permit: Provides access to park in their assigned C lot, B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots. 


B Parking Permit

Faculty/Staff B Permit: Provides faculty/staff access to park in B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots.


Employee Commuter Parking Permit

Faculty/Staff A Permit: Provides access to park in the A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Employee Evening 1 Parking Permit

(E1) Employee Evening 1 Permit: Provides employee access to park in the B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots across campus after 4:30 PM.

Employee Evening 2 Parking Permit

(E2) Employee Evening 2 Permit: Provides employee access to park in the B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots across campus after 2:30 PM.

University Administration Building Parking Permit

(UAB) University Administration Building: Provides access to the University Admin Bldg., Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Student Union Square Garage Parking Permit

(USG) Union Square Garage: Provides student access to park in the Union Square Garage lot and the Park & Geaux lot.

Employee Union Square Garage Parking Permit

(C) Union Square Garage Permit: Provides access to the Union Square Garage C lot, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Student Commuter Parking Permit

Commuter Permit: Provides access to park in the Commuter, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Greek Parking Permit

Greek Permit: Provides access to park in the Greek, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Resident Parking Permit

Resident Permit: Provides access to park in the Residential, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Law Parking Permit

Law Permit: Provides access to park in the Law, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

University High Parking Permit

(U) University High Permit: Provides access to park in the assigned U-High lot and X lots.

Retiree Parking Permit

(R) Retiree Permit: Provides access to park in B lots, Commuter, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Nicholson Gateway Parking Permit

(NG) Nicholson Gateway Permit: Provides access to park in the Residential, Park & Geaux, and X lots.

Park & Geaux Parking Permit

(PG) Park & Geaux Permit: Provides access to park in Park & Geaux lot and X lots.

Agriculture Parking Permit

(AG) AG Permit: Provides access to park in AG Lot and the X lots.

X Lot Permit

(X) X Only Permit: Provides access to park in the X lots across campus.


Credit Union Permit

(CU) Credit Union Permit: Provides access to park in the Campus Federal Credit Union lot and X lots.