
Program of Study

Program of Study

The department offers studies leading to a Master of Natural Science (M.N.S.) degree; a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Physics; a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Medical Physics and Health Physics; and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.

  • For the M.N.S. degree, 36 hours of graduate courses are required. This degree program provides breadth in science subjects, as well as the depth in physics that is required of teachers in junior and senior high schools.


  • The M.S. degree requires 24 hours of graduate work with a thesis or 36 hours without a thesis. Formal requirements for the Ph.D. degree include 18 hours of advance graduate courses beyond the core level; the Ph.D. general examination; publication of research results; and the final examination.


  • The M.S. degree in Medical Physics requires 44 hours of graduate work including a thesis, while the M.S. in Health Physics requires 39 hours of graduate work with a thesis.


  • The Ph.D. general examination is offered twice each year. It is comprehensive and is based primarily on graduate physics; students should approach it as the central formal examination of their graduate career. Those with normal preparation must take the general examination within two years of their entrance into the department. The final examination is an oral defense of the thesis.