

Project Director

photo: khonsariMichael Khonsari

Dow Chemical Chair and Professor of Mechanical Engineering
PhD – University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Khonsari’s research interests include tribology (friction, lubrication, and wear), material fatigue, machinery performance analysis, numerical analysis, and heat transfer. He holds the endowed chair for Dow Chemical in rotating machinery at LSU and is director of LSU’s Center for Rotating Machinery, or CeRoM, which partners with industry for research and development resulting in design solutions for sophisticated engineering systems. He holds several patents, has authored several books, and has published more than 270 academic papers and textbook chapters. His awards and honors include the Mayo D. Hershey Award from the World Tribology Congress, Burt L. Newkirk Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Presidential Award from the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), Alcoa Foundation Award, and William Kepler Whiteford Faculty Fellow award from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a fellow of ASME, STLE, and AAAS. He serves as Louisiana EPSCoR Project Director and Associate Commissioner for SpoInsored Research and Development at Louisiana Board of Regents.

Principal Investigator

William Shelton

Professor of Chemical Engineering
PhD 1989 – University of Cincinnati

Dr. Shelton’s research interests include disordered systems in solid-state materials (magnetism, superconductivity, etc.), materials science (alloy theory), surface chemistry, and the development of first principles electronic structure methods. He has served as Associate Director of Computing at the PNNL Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory since 2010. He has also held positions at the Naval Research Laboratory as a National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Post-doctoral fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Physics Department at the University of Bristol (UK). His awards and honors include the IEEE Gordon Bell Award honorable mention (2001), IEEE Gordon Bell Award (1990 and 1998), Computerworld Smithsonian Award (2000), and many others.

Co-Principal Investigators

photo: zhangDonghui Zhang

Associate Professor of Chemistry
PhD 2003 – Dartmouth College

Research efforts in Dr. Zhang’s group focus on bioinspired and biomimetic polymeric systems. She develops synthetic tools to access well-defined polymers and investigate the relevant structure-properties relationship. A combination of polymer synthesis, macromolecular characterization and structure-property analysis are often undertaken in our research. Several inter-related projects are currently in progress, including (1) organo-mediated controlled polymerization catalysis; (2) crystallization driven self-assembly of cyclic and linear block copolypeptoids in dilute and semi-dilute solution; (3) solution self-assembly of sequence-defined peptoid amphiphiles; (4) adaptive polymeric networks with dynamic covalent linkages. Dr. Zhang’s awards and honors include the Phi Kappa Phi Non-tenured faculty award (2013), LSU College of Science Faculty Research Award (2012), NSF Career Award (2010), and Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (2009). 

photo: jinRongying Jin

Professor of Physics
PhD 1997 – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

Dr. Jin’s research interests are experimental condensed matter physics and materials science. Her research focuses on the development of novel complex materials with intriguing physical properties, such as new phases that exist on the edge of instabilities (unconventional superconductivity, quantum critical phenomena, heavy – Fermion behavior, thermoelectricity etc.). Thus, her research effort is devoted to (1) “science-driven” synthesis and (2) investigation of basic physical properties (charge, spin and heat transport, magnetization, specific heat etc.). Her awards and honors include LSU Mid-Career (Rainmaker) Award (2013), election to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellow, and election to the American Physical Society (APS) fellow for her significant contributions to materials physics. She is an Editor Board Member of the Journal of Materials and Journal of Materials Science and Applications and has served as a panel reviewer for the NSF and DOE. She has also served as a reviewer for a number of academic journals and organized or co-organized several conferences.


Bhuvnesh BhartiBhuvnesh Bharti

Anding Professor/Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

PhD 2012 -- Institut für Chemie, Technische Universität, Berlin

Bhuvnesh Bharti works in the areas of nanoscience, colloid and interface science, bio-nano interactions, soft matter, directed and self-assembly, active materials, and non-equilibrium assemblies. His current research projects include soft materials for memory storage, oil spill management and recovery, lignin based eco-friendly nanomaterials, and interaction of globular proteins with nanoparticles. Dr. Bharti held a research assistant professor position at NC State University, and postdoctoral positions at NC State University and Shinshu University in Nagano, Japan. His awards include the Springer Theses Award for a doctoral thesis (2014), second prize for poster presentation (Postdoc. category) in 127th North Carolina ACS local section conference (2013), and Travel Grant Award for Young Scientists for attending IACIS conference in Sendai, Japan (2012).


Gordon A. & Mary Cain Professor/Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

PhD 2011 -- University of California, Los Angeles

James Dorman's research interests include nanostructure synthesis, charge recombination kinetics, defect engineering in metal oxides, and semiconductor engineering. Dr. Dorman was a postdoctoral fellow at the University Knostanz in Konstanz, Germany, and worked as an intern at the Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, and at General Atomics in La Jolla, California. His awards include the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (2013-2015), AVS Electronic Materials & Processing Division Postdoctoral Award (2014), DOD-ASEE Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Fellowship semifinalist (2010), NSF-IGERT Material Creation Training Program (MCTP) Fellowship (2008-2010), and DOE-National Institute for Nano Engineering (NINE) Fellowship (2009).

photo: john

Leo S. Weil Professor in Engineering
Tulane University
D.Eng.Sc 1982 – Columbia University

Vijay John works in the highly interdisciplinary area of chemical self-assembly leading to the development of new nanostructured materials with wide functionalities. The fundamentals of self-assembly and the design of supramolecular structures have significant applications to new technologies in the energy, environment and health related areas. In the energy area, John leads the Consortium for the Molecular Engineering of Dispersant Systems (C-MEDS), funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). He is working on developing a novel class of dispersants using porous nanostructures that stabilize the oil-water interface preventing oil slick formation and facilitating biodegradation. He is also working on technologies for carbon dioxide capture in novel high surface area structures. In the environmental area, John works on self-assembly principles to realize materials that are used in the remediation of toxic chlorinated solvents that have seeped into ground water. This has led to the formation of a start-up company to commercialize the technology. A major project that John is now working on is in the exploitation of lipid self-assembly for drug and vaccine delivery, particularly through novel transcutaneous routes. Vaccine development and needle free vaccine delivery is a grand challenge problem being addressed by researchers at the Medical School and at the Uptown Campus at Tulane, John collaborates extensively with scientists at Tulane’s Main Campus and at the Health Sciences Campus. His work with the health sciences has led to a new polymer drug delivery systems for the treatment of glaucoma. John’s work involves the use of advanced experimental tools such as cryo electron microscopy and neutron scattering. He has helped implement a state of the art cryo electron microscopy facility at Tulane. Additional funding for his research is through the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.

photo: kumar

Assistant Professor of Theoretical Chemistry
PhD 2007 – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Kumar’s research focus is towards the development of atomistic models to study chemical reactions in a wide range of systems, from electrolytes relevant to energy storage (e.g. Li-air batteries) to novel catalytic materials (e.g. MOFs). Theoretical chemistry is playing an increasingly important role in the design and application of new materials. Dr. Kumar held postdoctoral positions at Boston University, the University of Pittsburgh, and a joint appointment at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. Her awards include the Physical Chemistry Division Postdoctoral Research Award of the American Chemical Society (2012), NSF Graduate Student/Postdoc Fellowship to attend the Foundation for Discovery and Data meeting (2012), NVIDIA Professor Partnership Program at the University of Pittsburgh (2009), Excellence in Teaching Award at UW-Madison (2004), and McElvain Fellowship at UW-Madison (2002).

photo: khonsariWard Plummer

Professor of Physics
PhD 1968 – Cornell University

Dr. Plummer’s research interests include the coupling of the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties (static and dynamic) at a surface. During his career he has been involved in the development of novel instrumentation, especially for electron spectroscopy, and its use to illuminate new concepts at surfaces. Dr. Plummer came to LSU in 2009 as part of the Multidisciplinary Hiring Initiative in Materials Science and Engineering. At LSU he is the director of the Institute for Advanced Materials. He has previously worked at the National Bureau of Standards (now called the National Institute of Standards and Technology), University of Pennsylvania (director of Laboratory for the Structure of Matter), and University of Tennessee with a joint appointment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (director of Tennessee Advanced Materials Laboratory and the Joint Institute for Advanced Materials). His awards and honors include the Davisson-Germer Prize of the American Physical Society, Medard W. Welch Award of the American Vacuum Society, Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, Guggenheim Award, elected to the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Ward Plummer passed away unexpectedly on July 23, 2020.


photo: rick

University Research Professor
University of New Orleans
PhD 1985 – University of California – Berkeley

Dr. Rick focuses on physical chemistry. The research in his group uses theoretical and computational approaches to a variety of chemically interesting systems. His work involves the development of more efficient computer simulation methods and better models for molecular interactions. He is applying these methods to the study of liquid water, interfaces, aqueous solutions, proteins, and ion transport through various materials.


Associate Professor of Chemistry

PhD 2006 -- Regensburg University, Germany

Dr. Schneider started at LSU in Fall 2015. He previously worked at the Julich Centre for Neutron Science in Garching, Germany where he developed internationally recognized research programs in soft matter using a modular toolbox based on nanoparticles, polymers, and composites. His core interests are dynamics in nanocomposites, polymers with increasingly complex architectures, stimuli responsive polymers, assembly of nanoparticles, polymer translocation through membranes, universal behavior of agglomeration phenomena (in nanocomposites, but also in blood clotting). His research is highly interdisciplinary, involving synthesis, characterization, and theory, from both academic and industrial partners.


Jianwei Sun

Assistant Professor of Physics
Tulane University

PhD 2010 -- Tulane University

Dr. Sun received his B.A. from The University of Science and Technology of China and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Tulane University. His research interests include condensed matter, materials theory, and computation/density functional theory.


Ilya VekhterIlya Vekhter

Professor of Physics

PhD 1998 -- Brown University

In his research Dr. Vekhter analyzes the consequences of unusual orders on the experimentally measured quantities, uses the experimental data to draw conclusions about the origin of the unconventional properties of strongly interacting electron systems, and investigates theoretical models for emergence of different types of exotic orders, their competition and coexistence. He is especially interested in the unconventional superconductivity in high-temperature copper oxide superconductors and heavy fermion materials and interplay of superconductivity and itinerant magnetism in these systems. He is also investigating the properties of materials near the Quantum Critical Points: points where a phase transition between two different ground states occurs at T=0 and and is accompanied by quantum mechanical fluctuations.

photo: youngDavid Young

Professor of Physics
PhD 1998 – Florida State University

Dr. Young’s research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of novel electronic and magnetic materials. Polycrystalline and single crystal samples are made from a variety of synthesis techniques, including: solid-state reactions, arc melting, chemical vapor transport, RF-induction melting, and metallic fluxes. A material's structure and phase purity are then determined by X-ray diffraction and microprobe analysis. Magnetic, electronic, and thermal properties are measured over a broad temperature range from above room temperature to below that of liquid helium. The types of materials we investigate fall under the broad category of strongly correlated electron systems, and include: Kondo insulators, low-carrier density magnets, intermetallic superconductors, and thermoelectrics. Dr. Young has published nearly 200 refereed papers.


photo: zhangJiandi Zhang

Professor of Physics
PhD 1994 – Syracuse University

Dr. Zhang works on experimental condensed matter physics including exploring novel properties of complex materials like transition-metal oxides by the effects of broken symmetry, reduced dimensionality and spatial confinement, and by controlling lattice strain and chemical composition. Research includes growing artificially structured configurations of complex materials like transition-metal oxides with atomic scale precision and in-situ comprehensive characterization on lattice structure, chemical composition, electronic and magnetic properties. He also works on both elastic and inelastic neutron scattering. He previously worked at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory/University of Tennessee, and Florida International University. His memberships include the Chinese Academy of Science, American Physical Society (APS), and American Vacuum Society. He was awarded the NSF Career Award (2004), FIU Excellence in Research Award (2003), FIU Art & Science Summer Research Award (2003), and Outstanding Graduate Student Award of the Sigma Xi Society (1994). He is also an elected APS fellow.


Former Faculty

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