
Photo Gallery

photo: fega3

Single crystals of FeGa3 grown by a Bridgman technique using RF induction.

photo: fega3

Single crystals of FeGa3 grown by a Bridgman technique using RF induction.

photo: fega3

Single crystals of FeGa3 grown by a Bridgman technique using RF induction.


photo: fega3

Single crystals of FeGa3 grown by a Bridgman technique using RF induction.

photo: smb6

Single crystal of the Kondo and topological insulator SmB6 grown by the metallic flux method in molten aluminum. The length of the crystal is several millimeters.

photo: smb6

Large disc of SmB6 formed by borothermal reduction using RF induction.



photo: smb6 close up

Close up view of the surface of the large disc of SmB6.

photo: bipd

Large single crystal of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd grown by a modified Bridgman technique with RF induction.

photo: bipd

Large single crystal of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd grown by a modified Bridgman technique with RF induction.



photo: fesi

Single crystal of the Kondo insulator FeSi.

photo: crystal image

Zn-doped Sr2RuO4single crystals grown by Dr. Mao's group at Tulane University