Physical Facilities & Resources
- Student offices with individual desks and personal computer
- Student lab coats and radiation badges
- Medical Physics Program administrative support office
- Department of Physics and Astronomy library
- Medical physics library in Program Office and at Cancer Center
Clinical Facillities
- Treatment Delivery Systems
- 4 Varian Clinac Radiotherapy accelerators with Millenium MLC (4, 6, 10, 15, 18 MV x-ray and 6, 9, 12, 16, and 20 MeV electron beams)
- 2 Elekta Synergy radiotherapy accelerators with iView and XVI (6, 10, 15 MV x-ray and 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, and 20 MeV electron beams)
- BrainLab Novalis stereotactic radiotherapy system
- TomoTherapy Hi-Art System
- Patient Data Systems
- GE Lighspeed RT CT Simulator (4D Advantage Windows)
- GE Discovery ST PET-C
- IMPAC record and verify system
- Treatment Planning Systems
- Philips ADAC Pinnacle3 systems (17)
- 9 - Baton Rouge
- 2 - Hammond
- 2 - Covington
- 2 - Houma
- 2 - Gonzales
- Philips ADAC Pinnacle3 systems (Research Server)
- TomoTherapy planning station (Clinical)
- TomoTherapy planning station (Research)
- BrainLab stereotactic system (iPlan)
- K&S Diamond MU Software
- MU Check Software
- Philips ADAC Pinnacle3 systems (17)
- Brachytherapy Systems
- Nucletron microSelectron HDR system
- Ocentra planning system
- Multiple applicators
- Varian VariSource HDR system
- MammoSite (breast)
- Varian VariSeed LDR planning system (prostate seeds)
- Sr-90 ophthalmic applicator
- I-125 eye plaques for ocular melanoma
- Nucletron microSelectron HDR system
- Dosimetry Lab
- 3D beam scanning system (Welhoffer/Scanditronix)
- 2D beam scanning systems (Scanditronix, TomoDose, CRS)
- Cylindrical water phantoms
- TLD in-vivo dosimetry system
- Radiographic Film scanning system (Vidar scanner, RIT and TomoScan software)
- Radiochromic Film scanning system (Epson scanner, Image Acquisition, and Film QA software)
- Tissue equivalent phantoms (rectangular, cylindrical, and 4D)
- Sun Nuclear (1D (Profiler) and 2D (MapCheck) diode arrays)
- Imaging QA phantoms for CT and PET
- Patient Support Labs/QA Systems
- Treatment planning room
- Block and mold room
Research Facillities
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center: Most of the equipment used for patient care during
the day (listed above
for clinical training), is available for research at nights and on weekends.
Radiation Detector Development Lab: The Radiation Detector Development (RDD) laboratory is used by Drs. Matthews and Shikhaliev, as well as their students, for radioisotope imaging research. The RDD Lab has equipment and materials for design, fabrication, testing, and analysis of prototype detector systems, including radioactive sources, dose calibrator, collimators and shielding, scintillation and CZT radiation detectors, data acquisition electronics, imaging phantoms, and light-tight (“black”) box.
X-ray Imaging Labs: Two C-arm x-ray fluoroscopy units are being used for photon-counting detector development and other projects, as well as providing a platform for teaching students about x-ray production and measurement. The labs have other general-purpose x-ray imaging equipment, including various types of x-ray receptors, and capabilities for prototyping and evaluating new detectors.
Micro-CT Imaging System: Skyscan 1074 instrument with 37 mm resolution, 3 cm field of view and variable beam energy. Image reconstruction software has multiple capabilities and can run on a distributed computing environment.
CAMD Synchrotron Radiation Facility: The 1.3 GeV electron storage ring (
provides a
beam line from a superconducting wiggler magnet for medical radiological research,
such as the x-ray capture therapy project with Drs. Hogstrom, Varnes, and Matthews.
In 2010, funded improvements to the wiggler and medical radiology beamline will provide
higher x-ray energies and beam intensities, as well as an enhanced end-station to
support medical radiology research utilizing monochromatic x-rays.
Design and Construction Shops: The Department of Physics and Astronomy provides fully-staffed machine and electronics shops. These shops provide in-house fabrication facilities. In addition, a "student" machine shop is also available for faculty and student use.
Animal Irradiation Facilities: The School of Veterinary Medicine supports radiological facilities for animals. Diagnostic facilities include x-ray fluoroscopy and CT scanning. A small animal therapy facility includes a Varian Clinac 600C with a 52-leaf MLC and the Pinnacle treatment planning system.
Computing Facilities:
- Various multi-teraflop systems, including Tezpur (15 Tflop, 360 node) and Pelican (3 Tflop, 32 node), operated by the Center for Computation and Technology.
- Linux cluster for student use, operated by the Department of Physics and Astronomy;
- The Medical Physics and Health Physics Program has several high-performance multi-processor
Unix workstations for research and instructional purposes with the following software:
- Philips ADAC Pinnacle3 research treatment planning system;
- TomoTherapy research treatment planning system;
- EGSnrc MCNP (various versions), and GEANT Monte Carlo codes;
- A collection of deterministic neutron, photon and charge particle transport codes including cross section processing routines;
- Fortran CC+ compilers with high-performance multi-threading extension;
- In-house software for advanced aerosol transport computations, external beam photon transport calculations, and brachytherapy seed identification and dosimetry.
Nuclear Science Building: The Nuclear Science Building serves primarily as a laboratory research and teaching facility. In addition, it gives housing to the LSU campus Radiation Safety Office. The building houses:
- Six research laboratories equipped with fume hoods, sinks, counters, storage space. All are all acid-proof and are rated for radiochemistry, radiobiology, nano-sized aerosol, and generic radiation research. The aerosol laboratory houses a 1.8x1.5x0.6 m3 environmental chamber equipped with a real-time laser multi-channel aerosol spectrometer and nano-particle nebulizer. This lab supports experimental and computational study of how aerosols transport in confined spaces.
- Multiple irradiation facilities (high-intensity radio-isotopic source irradiators having a maximum dose rate of 5000 R/min include): self-contained Co-60 irradiator, pool-type Co-60 irradiator, and Eberline Cs-137 calibrator/irradiator. Neutron facilities include: a subcritical assembly for neutron physics experiments and Cf-252 sources (total isotope mass of about 60 micro-grams) stored in two separate neutron irradiators (scalar thermal neutron flux of about 5E6 n/cm2/s).
- Multiple radiation detection systems: HPGe detectors, NaI(Tl) detectors, a Si(Li) detector, liquid scintillation detector, etc. Counting laboratories maintain a cross-calibration schedule with the State of Louisiana Radiation Laboratory under the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, using NIST traceable standards.