
Property Management


Property Management, located in the River Road Annex Building at 3555 River Road, monitors and facilitates the management of the University's moveable equipment inventory and fleet management programs in accordance with regulations established by state statute (Titles 39 and 24) and with various federal government regulations (CFR) when applicable.

Geographical areas of responsibility for Property Management include moveable property for LSU, as well as the offices of the LSU System, LSU-Alexandria, LSU-Eunice, the LSU Agricultural Center, including the Branch Stations of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station located statewide. The office also provides support services to the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center.

Mission Statement

The mission of Property Management is to facilitate the management of LSU's moveable property inventory and motor vehicle fleet, ensuring compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. The department encourages the conservation of University resources by promoting the availability of surplus items to campus users. The vision is to excel at our mission in such a way that LSU is recognized by others as an excellent steward of its property. 

Top Employee Responsibilities for Property

  1. Comply with all property laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures concerning identification, management and disposal of inventory property.
  2. Assist Property Management to ensure all movable property valued $1,000 or greater is reported and tagged within 60 days of receipt (per State law) along with re-tagging items as warranted.
  3. Immediately report property stolen to Police and Property Management.
  4. Immediately notify Property Management of any damaged property. Report any Risk Management claims through proper channels.
  5. Must comply with State regulations regarding sanitization of security sensitive data before any disposal method of computing devices.
  6. Never sell, loan, transfer, assign, entrust, or donate any inventory and non-inventory property to any person or entity, or use property for personal or illegal purposes.
  7. Removal of equipment from campus is prohibited without prior approval by Property Management. Complete an Off-Campus/Home Storage form.
  8. Dispose of inventory and non-inventory equipment properly. Surplus inventory and non-inventory equipment to Property Management as soon as it becomes idle. Scrap/Dismantle or Transfer only after written request and approval by Property Management.


8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Property Management
River Road Annex Building
3555 River Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Email: property@lsu.edu
