
The Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF)

The Shared Instrumentation Facility is a university-wide Unit managed by the LSU Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED) housed in the LSU Chemistry and Materials Building. SIF hosts state-of-the-art equipment for Light and Fluorescence Microscopy, Electron Beam Microscopy and Microanalysis, X-ray Spectroscopy, and sample preparation. The facility is staffed by an experienced group of dedicated and professional research specialists. SIF provides material characterization, image acquisition, and elemental analysis for resolving complex problems across many scientific and engineering disciplines including Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Bioengineering, Agriculture, Food Sciences, Geology, and Environmental Sciences.

Mission Statement

The Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) will provide easy access to state-of-the-art equipment, and expert support services and training to academic and industrial research communities.


The vision of the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) is to support advanced research and development efforts of LSU and Louisiana-based researchers and contribute toward building a robust ecosystem for basic and transdisciplinary research that reaches across disciplinary boundaries.