

The primary goal at the Shared Instrumentation Facility (SIF) is to serve the needs of our academic and industrial research communities at LSU, Louisiana and the nation. We provide access to advanced state-of-the-art instrumentation for materials research across a broad range of science and engineering disciplines. All materials (living, soft, and hard) require in-depth investigations in order to obtain a better understanding of their complex structure, chemistry, and functionality. Using microscopy and microanalysis, we can explore these materials and their unique properties that allow us to create advanced materials and technologies to solve real-world problems of today and the future.

Over 260 faculty and post-doctoral researchers and graduate students from over 20 departments in the College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Agriculture, , and the School of Veterinary Medicine at LSU currently utilize out facility. Academic institutions from across our region and beyond come to the facility to utilize the advanced instrumentation and expertise that we provide. Client institutions include Southern University, University of New Orleans, Xavier University of Louisiana, Lamar University, Louisiana Tech University, University of Lafayette, Tulane University, LSU Health Science Centers in New Orleans and Shreveport, University of Alabama, Southern Mississippi University, and University of Texas in Austin.

We are proud that we can help foster new collaborations between our faculty and other universities or local and regional industrial researchers. If you would like to find out how you can create a collaboration with LSU for a research project or funding opportunity, please contact us.