
Bruker ELEXSYS E580 and E780 EPR System

The E780 is a 263 GHz (high frequency) EPR spectrometer which represents a cutting-edge turn-key technology for Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy. Both system provide capabilities of both pulse and continuous wave measurements. This allows for ESEEM, Pulse-ENDOR, Pulse-ELDOR DEER and HYSCORE for application in Life science, Material science and Quantum computing. Additionally, E580 is equipped with a rapid scan attachment that allows a 10µs resolution of time lapse experiments and observation of changes in paramagnetic centers during reactions and live processes.


Technical Details

  • 9.8 GHz (E580) and 263 GHz (E780) operation frequency
  • Quasi optical front end
  • Reflection and induction mode
  • CW and Pulse operation
  • Single mode resonator
  • Non-resonant probe
  • Sample temperature: 4 - 300 K (Stinger and High Temp. attachment)
  • Superconducting magnet (E780)



Bruker ELEXSYS E580 and E780 EPR systemBruker ELEXSYS E580 and E780 EPR system