
Olympus SpinSR10 Spinning Disk Confocal

 Built on an IX83 base, the SpinSR10 is a fantastic spinning disk confocal and excels at rapid image capture. This system utilizes super-resolution components as well as the optical sectioning capability of confocal fluorescence microscopes. The system simultaneously achieves high reliability, fast image acquisition, and low phototoxicity, which cannot be done using conventional methods. Based on optical theory, Olympus Super Resolution (OSR) processing algorithms can obtain a spatial resolution of 120 nm, providing highly reliable results below the diffraction limit. Fast image acquisition is achieved using the spinning disk confocal microscope technique. Using the available super-resolution SoRa disk technology, phototoxicity can be reduced to 30% of conventional techniques. Equipped with an incubation system with temperature and CO2 control for long-term in vivo experiments. 
Olympus SpinSR10 Spinning Disk Confocal

Features and Specifications 

Two Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion (16-bit grayscale) 

Laser lines:  

Description Power Wavelength
LD405  50 mW  405 nm 
LD488  100 mW  405 nm 
LD561  100 mW  561 nm
LD640  100 mW  640 nm


Confocal Disks:  

50µm and SoRa 

Dichroic Mirror:

D405/488/561/640; D445/514/640 

Filter wheels

  1. B447/60; B525/50; B617/73; B685/40; B535/30 
  2. B447/60; B525/50 


Magnification  Objective Type  Description  NA Refraction Index WD (mm) 
4 UPLFLN PH  4x 0.13 AIR (1.000)  17.0
10 UPLXAPO  10x 0.40 AIR (1.000)  3.10
20 UPLXAPO  20x 0.80 AIR (1.000)  0.60
40 UPLXAPO O  40x 1.40 OIL (1.518)  0.13
100 UPLAPO OHR  100x 1.50 OIL (1.518)  0.12


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