
Office of Testing & Evaluation Services administers credit by examination on a regular basis. Students who take credit by examination have the ability to earn course credit; the score on each exam effects the course enrollment level.

  • Students are considered "continuing students" after the last day to add classes (September 5, 2024) of the student's first semester at LSU.
  • Students may only take a specific placement exam/credit by examination one time. Students who take a placement exam for a specific subject as an incoming freshmen, are not eligible to take credit by examination for the same subject as a continuing student.

Visit the Placement Exam/Credit by Examination page for additional information about exam lengths and resources allowed.

Exam Details

Process to take Credit by Examination

Students may elect to take Credit by Examination in the LSU Testing Center or via remote proctoring with ProctorU.

  • Summer Hours of Operation
    • Monday – Friday noon (12:00pm) to 6:00pm
    • (Please adjust your scheduling to be sure you have sufficient time for your exam)
    • 52 Himes Hall 

Continuing and incoming Transfer students must complete the below steps established by the Office of the University Registrar in sequence to take a credit by examination:

  1. Student contacts their Academic Advisor for a "Request to Take Advanced Standing/Proficiency/Credit Exam" form. Approval from both the college and the department offering the course is required. To contact your academic advisor, please use the Navigate Student app or the LSU Navigate Website
  2. Student emails approved form to the Office of the University Registrar, regservices@lsu.edu, to be assessed the $20.00 registration fee.
  3. Student pays $20.00 registration fee through myLSU account or contacts the Office of Bursar Operations to make payment, bursar@lsu.edu.
  4. Student emails the Office of the University Registrar, regservices@lsu.edu, with payment receipt.
  5. The Office of the University Registrar provides the student with the electronic copy of the “Authorization to Take Exam” (ticket).
    • For exams administered by the LSU Testing Center, student must complete the following additional steps:
      • Student emails the signed “Authorization to Take Exam” (ticket) to the Office of Testing and Evaluation Services, otes@lsu.edu.
      • Office of Testing and Evaluation Services will charge a $20.00 testing fee to the student’s fee bill.
      • Once the signed “Authorization to Take Exam” is received by Office of Testing and Evaluation Services, the student will receive directions for taking the Credit by Examination online or in the LSU Testing Center. If student is taking the exam online via ProctorU they will pay a $15.00 fee to ProctorU per exam.
    • For exams administered by the department, student follows instructions from the department.