
LSU Testing Center - Faculty Information

The LSU Testing Center has implemented a new, accessible test scheduling solution called SmarterProctoring, an external tool that integrates within each course under Moodle. This update in software will allow faculty to request computer-based exams and students to schedule their exam date and time within Moodle.  

Using the LSU Testing Center:

The LSU Testing Center provides the faculty a secure, monitored facility for students to take computer-based exams. Faculty typically create a multi-day window exam within which students schedule tests at a time convenient to them.

Important Information to Know About Requesting Exams

  • Requests to use the LSU Testing Center for computer-based exams are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis and are limited based on the seating capacity.
  • Please be aware that circumstances may arise that will necessitate changes to LSU Testing Center operations for the semester.

To request a computer-based exam in the LSU Testing Center, please follow the following process: 

  1. Fill out the LSU Testing Center Examination Dates Request Form and submit completed form to otes-testing@lsu.edu. 
    If you have difficulty filling out the form above, please contact otes-testing@lsu.edu for assistance.
  2. Complete the exam request process in Moodle using the SmarterProctoring external tool. Please see the self-guided training resources below for instructions on how to do this.

Requests to use the LSU Testing Center for computer-based exams are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis and are limited based on the seating capacity.

The LSU Testing Center supports the use of many third-party testing systems such as:  Questionmark, Pearson, Wiley, Simnet, Cengage, etc. The LSU Testing Center does not allow for the use of Moodle Quizzes, due to security limitations.


  • Questionmark, a robust computer-based testing platform for exam creation for use by LSU course instructors.
  • This software has the functionality to randomly generate each student’s exam and facilitates immediate score reporting and statistical analysis.
  • Moodle quizzes can be converted into Questionmark, please contact otes-testing@lsu.edu for assistance.

Please be aware that circumstances may arise that will necessitate changes to LSU Testing Center operations for the semester. All faculty should plan for contingencies that include alternative methods of assessment. 


SmarterProctoring Self-guided Training Resources:

Please reference the training videos and written instructions on how to complete various tasks within SmarterProctoring:

To add the SmarterProctoring external tool to your Moodle course, please follow the following steps:

1. Navigate to the course page under Moodle

2. Click the Create Learning Activity button

3. Click the External Tool button

4. Under Activity Name enter "Schedule Testing Center Exam"

5. Under Preconfigured Tool, select "SmarterProctoring"

6. Click the Save and Display button

To request a computer-based exam in the LSU Testing Center, please follow the following steps:

1. Click on the SmarterProctoring external tool within your Moodle course

2. Select New Exam and fill in the exam details information including:

  • Duration: length of time students will have to take the exam
  • Password: only if the exam is password protected
  • Exam URL: URL needed for exams in Pearson, Wiley, Simnet, Cengage, etc. Not needed for Questionmark exams. Please note the LSU Testing Center does not allow for the use of Moodle Quiz
  • Exam open/exam close: start and end date of the exam. Please keep in mind exams will only be offered during the LSU Testing Center business hours.
  • Scheduling window: parameters for when students can schedule their exams. OTES recommends not activating this setting.
  • Attachments: attach any handouts, table/formula sheets you would like students to have access to during the exam.

3. On the Permitted Items page, select the items/resources students will be allowed during the exam. If you select calculator, please specify the type of calculator in the additional information box.

4. On the Notes page, add any notes you would like your students and/or the LSU Testing Center Proctors to see.

5. Under the Proctor Settings page, Institution Testing Centers will already be selected. (Please do not select virtual proctoring, this is not a service the Testing Center offers at this time).

6. On the Confirmation page, you will review your exam details and click confirm. Once confirmed, the exam is submitted to OTES for approval.

Exam approval is based on the capacity within the Testing Center. If the Testing Center is at maximum capacity an OTES staff member will reach out about adjusting the dates of your exam.


To add extended time for a student, please follow the following steps:

1. Click on the SmarterProctoring external tool within your Moodle course.

2. Navigate to the exam that the student needs extended time and click the View Exam button.

3. Under the Student Overview, find the student needing extended time.

4. Use the dropdown menu under Action, then click Add Accommodation.

5. Adjust the student's exam under the Duration settings.

6. Click Continue through exam settings and then click the Confirm button to save the extended time changes at the end.

7. If you are using Questionmark for exam delivery, email a list of the students who have extended time accommodations to LSU Testing Center two business days before the first test will take place. 

Students will not get a notification with the extended time. Faculty are encouraged to email students and let the student know the extended time has been added to the exam.

Please see the Accommodations area below for additional details.

To allow a student to schedule a make-up exam or early exam (outside the set testing window), please follow the following steps:

1. Click on the SmarterProctoring external tool within your Moodle course.

2. Navigate to the exam that the student needs a make-up or early exam and click the View Exam button.

3. Under the Student Overview, find the student needing a make-up or early exam adjustment

4. Use the dropdown menu under Action, then click Add Accommodation.

5. Adjust the student's exam window (please keep in mind the LSU Testing Center hours of operations when making this adjustment).

6. Click Continue through exam settings and then click the Confirm button to save the adjusted exam window time.

Students will not get a notification about the adjusted exam window time, faculty are encouraged to email students and let the student know the exam window has been changed.

Additional attempts can be granted in situations such as: Testing Center building issues (fire alarm, flooding, etc.), the wrong exam populated for the student, a student has a medical issue during the exam, etc.

To allow a student an additional attempt at taking the exam, please follow the following steps:

1. Click on the SmarterProctoring external tool within your Moodle course.

2. Navigate to the exam that the student needs an additional attempt and click the View Exam button.

3. Under the Student Overview, find the student needing an additional attempt.

4. Use the dropdown menu under Action, then click Add Accommodation.

5. Adjust the number of attempts the student will have.

6. Click Continue through exam settings and then click the Confirm button to save the adjusted exam window time.

NOTE: If the window for the exam has closed, you will also need to grant an accommodation that extends the exam window for the student (please see the steps under Scheduling a Make-up Exam listed above). The window for the exam will need to be re-opened in addition to giving the student an additional attempt. 

Students will not get a notification about the additional exam attempt, faculty are encouraged to email students and let the student know an additional attempt has been applied.


Additional Resources:

If you plan to use the LSU Testing Center, below is a syllabus statement that can be adapted for your course:

LSU Testing Center Statement: 
The LSU Testing Center may be utilized for exam proctoring in this course. There is no cost to students to utilize this on campus service for in-person course-based exams. Students will schedule their exam date/time within the Moodle course for this section. It is your responsibility as an LSU student to understand the LSU Testing Center policies.  

To see the LSU Testing Center policies, instructions on how to schedule your exams and location information, please visit the LSU Testing Center – Student Information Webpage: https://www.lsu.edu/testing/studenttestingcenter.php


Please note, if you plan to use ProctorU or another remote proctoring service you will need to include a syllabus statement, visit our Remote Proctoring page for more information.

The LSU Testing Center has a website page specifically for students with information about how to schedule an exam, actions to complete prior to the exam, and what to expect on the day of your exam. Please see the LSU Testing Center - Student Information page for more details.

Students are responsible for knowing the LSU Testing Center Policy prior to using the testing center. Faculty are encouraged to include information about the LSU Testing Center policies the course syllabus statement and Moodle course. Please see our LSU Testing Center Policy page for the full policy.

The LSU Testing Center can provide students with extended time accommodations only. To provide students with extended time on an LSU Testing Center proctored exam, please see the steps under the training video called "Adding Extended Time Accommodations" listed above.

For additional information about providing students with other disability accommodations, please see our Accommodations page, which includes the ADA Accommodations Process PDF quick guide.

Sample Image of Accommodations Flow Chart - Click for PDF

The LSU Testing Center entrance has changed for the Fall 2021 semester. Access the LSU Testing Center from the exterior basement stairwell between Coates Hall and Himes Hall. For additional location information, see the Location page.

Vector map of the LSU Testing Center location


Hours of Operation

Main Office
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
51 Himes Hall

LSU Testing Center
Monday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
52 Himes Hall