
LSU Testing Center Policy

This is a set of polices that apply to the LSU Testing Center. LSU Testing and Evaluation Services recommends that all student and faculty users familiarize themselves with these policies prior to using their testing services. The policies include proper protocols for scheduling exams and arriving on site to check-in for scheduled exams as well as behaviors that are not permitted while on site at the LSU testing center. For any questions regarding these policies, please email otes-testing@lsu.edu 

1. Required Identification

Students must present a current, valid, physical picture ID for check-in (an LSU Student ID or State/National ID)

    • LA Wallet is not currently accepted as a physical form of ID
    • The picture on the ID must be completely visible
    • The names on the OD must match the names used to register for the exam
    • Digital identification is not permitted. You will not be allowed to take an exam if you do not have a physical ID, if the information on the ID conflicts with your registration information, or if you cannot be personally identified based on your ID credentials

2. LSU Testing Center Entrance

Students will enter the LSU Testing Center through the (instead of the old entrance near Memorial Tower)

    • The LSU Testing Center is monitored via cameras and incidents can be reviewed using DVR footage
    • Only students that are currently checked-in for an exam appointment will be allowed onto the LSU Testing Center floor
    • Visitors (non-testers) must check-in at the front office 51 Himes Hall

3. Test Check-in   

Students may check-in up to 15 minutes before their scheduled exam time

    • For students who arrive at the LSU Testing Center in excess of 15 minutes after their scheduled exam time:
      • The student will be directed to the scheduling computers in the Testing Center to reschedule their exam

4. Test Scheduling

All exams must be scheduled via SmarterProctoring, which is accessible through Moodle

    • Walk-in appointments are not permitted
    • Any exams that need to be scheduled outside of the normal testing window must be arranged with the course instructor

5. Non Permitted Items/Activities

The LSU Testing Center does not permit the following:

    • Food or drinks
    • Smoking, chewing tobacco, or vaping devices (10.2 G of the LSU Code of Student Conduct)
    • Watches/fitness trackers of any kind
    • Scooters
    • Sunglasses and darkly tinted glasses
    • Disruption or obstruction of LSU Testing Center activities (10.2 F of the LSU Code of Student Conduct)
      Students engaging in disruptive or distracting behavior may be asked to end their testing session and leave the LSU Testing Center

6. Permitted Items/Activities

The LSU Testing Center does permit the following:

    • Headwear for religious or medical purposes
    • Hats or headwear
      • Must not cover your eyes or face, you may be asked to adjust your hat or take it off
    • Personal belongings
      • Must be stored on your person or in a bag and placed under your seat on the floor. Personal belongings must not clutter aisles or walkways
      • All electronic belongings must be completely powered off (not sleep mode) and stored out of view
        • The LSU Testing Center is not responsible for personal belongings. If you believe you left a personal item at your testing station, please ask a front desk staff member to assist you

7. Academic Misconduct

Incidents of suspected academic misconduct will be reported to the student's course instructor and Student Advocacy and Accountability as a possible violation of 10.1 of the LSU Code of Student Conduct. Please be aware that the LSU Testing Center is monitored via cameras and incidents can be reviewed using DVR footage

Suspected academic misconduct actions include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Having/using a cell phone, smart watch, or other communication device powered on and within view
    • Having /using resources that are not permitted by your course instructor such as:
      • Unpermitted notes (sheets of paper, notes on/in calculator, notes on body, etc.)
      • Unapproved calculator models
    • Relying on others for assistance during your session
    • Communication of any kind between students on the floor will be interpreted as suspicious behavior
    • Discussion exam content with others after taking the exam
    • Any attempt to reproduce or capture exam content inside the testing center.
      • Exiting the testing center with scratch paper or handouts
      • Copying information from dry erase board

8. Test Accommodations

Students who require accommodations must work with LSU Disability Services in 124 Johnston Hall (225-578-5919)

    • The LSU Testing Center can only provide students with extended time accommodations.
      • Students need to work with their course instructors to have extended time applied to each exam instance
        The LSU Testing Center cannot modify the length of the exam
    • Students who require other types of accommodations will need to make testing arrangements with LSU Disability Services
    • For additional information, please see the OTES Accommodations webpage