
Mission & Vision

LSU Academic Advising Mission & Vision


The mission of LSU advising is to empower and assist students to achieve academic goals by proactively connecting them to tools, resources, and opportunities, and providing guidance in an inclusive and welcoming environment through a supportive and collaborative advising relationship.


The vision of academic advising at LSU is to support a transformative educational experience that promotes timely graduation by proactively empowering students to achieve their academic, personal, and career goals.


Center for Advising & Counseling Mission & Vision


The Center for Advising and Counseling (UCAC) provides academic counseling and programming to assist continuing students beyond the freshman year who are not yet eligible for admission to senior colleges.  UCAC students will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with culturally diverse students, become engaged on campus, and develop innovative goals that lead to transformative personal growth and entry into a senior college or professional program. 


The Center for Advising and Counseling aspires to be LSU’s primary retention unit for students beyond the first year of enrollment.  In conjunction with the vision of University College, UCAC intends to be involved and supportive in its role as a leader on the local and national level for programming that targets the productivity and retention of students.  


In concert with the values expounded by the College, UCAC pledges to serve students with integrity, fairness and honesty.   We emphasize self-exploration and self-worth as means for students to realize their potential and thrive as students and citizens.