
How to Schedule with the Center for Advising & Counseling using the Navigate Student App

Office Hours: Monday – Friday; 8:00 – 4:30 PM (Central Standard Time)
Email: ucac@lsu.edu 
Phone: 225/578-8281
Location: 150 Himes Hall

Important LSU academic deadlines

VIRTUAL Drop-In Meetings (January 10- January 27)

During critical times in the semester, UCAC offers drop-in meetings, no appointment needed. From Monday, January 10 to Thursday, January 27. UCAC academic counselors will be available to meet with students on a virtual drop in basis. Students can register for a virtual drop on Navigate from 8:15 AM to 1:00 PM (Central Standard Time) Monday – Friday. 

During these hours, students can check in for a virtual drop in via the Navigate Student App (see video below for instructions). Once checked in, students will be seen on a first available basis. Wait times will vary. A text message and/or email will be sent with a Zoom meeting link when the academic counselor is available.  

Due to the large volume of students needing assistance, students not present in the zoom meeting within 10 minutes may be marked as no-show and required to check-in a second time to be seen on a first available basis. 

Due to the high volume of requests during this time, UCAC email responses may be delayed longer than usual. While email requests will continue to be monitored and responses provided, priority assistance will be given to students seen on a virtual drop-in basis.


APPOINTMENTS (January 28-May 20)

UCAC will offer advising appointments (Monday – Friday; 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM – Central Standard Time) from January 28 to May 20. Appointment availability will open beginning January 27 at 4:30 PM and will continue to open 14 days out until May 20. If all appointments are showing as full for the next two weeks, check the appointment system each morning at 8:00 AM (Central Standard Time) for possible same day appointment availability. 

UCAC students can schedule a virtual appointment through the Navigate Student app. See the video to the or instructions below for more information on this process. Students with difficulty accessing the App, please contact us at ucac@lsu.edu for assistance.

  • Freshmen enrolled in UCFY (less than 30 hours earned) can schedule a drop in meeting with a UCFY academic counselor the Navigate Student App.
  • Students enrolled in an LSU senior college can schedule an appointment with their respective college academic counselor through the Navigate Student App. Ensure to select “Academic Advising” as the appointment type to be directed to their specific senior college for assistance.
  • Students enrolled in an LSU senior college wishing to change majors to a program offered by another senior college, can schedule an appointment with a UCAC academic counselor and select “Change Major/Minor” as their service.
  • Students pursuing admission into Allied Health, Pharmacy, or Pre-Public Health programs are able to meet with Mr. Anthony Oster, UCAC Allied Health and Pharmacy Advisor, regardless of the major they are pursuing or college in which they are enrolled. Ensure to select the appropriate service when scheduling your appointment.

NOTE: Non-UCAC students who schedule appointments with UCAC academic counselors will receive appointment cancellation notices and be directed to reschedule with the appropriate advising office to provide them with the best assistance possible. 

Using the Navigate App to Schedule an Advising Appointment:

When scheduling a virtual appointment, select the following options as prompted:

  • What type of appointment would you like to schedule: Academic Advising (UCFY & UCAC)
  • Service: Select the appropriate service based on your needs. If selecting advising ensure to select Advising (UCAC)
    date: Select your desired appointment date
  • Location: University College - Center for Advising and Counseling (UCAC)
  • Time: Select your desired appointment time
  • How would you like to meet: Virtual
  • Would you like to share anything: Please include your intended major, specific advising needs, and your preferred name and in the comment box. 

You will receive an appointment confirmation as well as a reminder which will provide a link to access the Zoom appointment.