
Resignation Information

This information is provided to the student for general information purposes only. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the relevant departments for specific information pertinent to the student’s individual situation.

A student may voluntarily resign (drop all courses) from the University beginning with the first day of class through the final day for resigning shown in the “Academic Calendar”. Resignation is initiated in the office of the student’s academic dean.

The student must obtain a resignation form and file the form with the Office of the University Registrar within 10 days after it has been endorsed by each administrative office indicated on the form. Resignation is not complete until the form is submitted to the Office of the University Registrar in 112 Thomas Boyd Hall.

Students who absent themselves from the university without leave and without official resignation will not be assigned “W” grades, and at the end of the semester, normally will receive grades of “F” in courses for which they are registered. Students who withdraw from the university without approval, or who dropped from the university for any reason, may be ineligible for readmission for a semester or longer.

Financial Aid/Scholarship Impact

  • A student’s financial aid and/or scholarship eligibility may be impacted by a resignation. See below.
  • Students who have established a deferred payment plan should contact the Office of Bursar Operations (225-578-3357 or bursar@lsu.edu) to determine the impact of the resignation on their remaining balance.

Reapplying to LSU

  • Reapplication to LSU is not required if the student returns in the next regular semester (fall or spring).
  • Reapplication to LSU is required if the student does not return in the next regular semester (fall or spring).
  • To be considered for readmission, students must submit a re-entry application at
  • Readmission to LSU and the student’s intended major is not guaranteed.
  • Students who are not enrolled for at least two consecutive regular semesters (fall or spring) must follow the curricular requirements stated in the catalog at the time of readmission. This would result in a change in catalog year and possible change in degree requirements.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

  • Students may be eligible to apply for a LOA from LSU for the next regular semester if requested no later than the last day to add classes.
  • A $10.00 processing fee will be assessed and payment confirmation required to utilize LOA.

Future Course Scheduling

  • A student’s scheduling priority for the next semester will not be affected by a resignation. If the student has no advising or Comprehensive Academic Tracking (CATS) holds, they will be able to register for the next regular semester when their registration priority opens based on the hours of credit they have earned.
  • If a prerequisite course is dropped, the student will no longer be eligible to take the next course that requires the dropped course as a prerequisite. The student should revisit their future semester schedule(s) and make appropriate adjustments if needed via their myLSU account.
  • If MATH 1550 is dropped and the student would like to retake the course in a future semester, course eligibility based on the ALEKS exam must still be met. ALEKS exam scores expire after 6 months and the exam may have to be retaken to be eligible for MATH 1550. Students\ should consult the LSU Math Department website []for more information on ALEKS score eligibility time-lines.

Taking Courses at Another Institution

  • Students should refer to the LSU Tiger Transfer Tables to determine how courses from another institution transfer to LSU.
  • Due to varying residency and senior college academic requirements, students should consult with their senior college counselor prior to earning credit from other institutions.
  • Students who earned an “F” in a course at LSU must repeat the course at an LSU campus to receive credit and quality points for the course at LSU.
  • Students who attempt 30 hours of credit or more at another institution, including withdrawn courses with a grade of “W”, since leaving LSU, must have the following to be considered for re-entry to LSU: a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.50 on all college work attempted and credit in college-level courses (non-remedial) in English and mathematics with a grade of C- or better.

Important Contacts

Students are encouraged to consult with the following appropriate offices when considering a resignation to determine impact:
International Services Office - 101 Hatcher Hall | 225-578-3191 | isograd@lsu.edu 
Office of Veterans Affairs - Pleasant Hall | 225-578-3103 | va@lsu.edu 
Academic Common Market - at LSU, Registrar’s Office | 112 Thomas Boyd Hall | 225-578-1686 | registrar@lsu.edu 
Residential Life - 99 Grace King Hall | 225-578-8663 | housing@lsu.edu 
Meal Plan - Tiger Card Office 109 Student Union | 225-578-4300 | tigercard@lsu.edu 

LSU Refund Schedule, Financial Aid, and TOPS Information

Registrar’s Office | 112 Thomas Boyd Hall | 225-578-1686 | registrar@lsu.edu

Each semester specific dates are set for receipt of a 90% and 50% refund for students who elect to resign. The LSU Refund Schedule can be found in the current Schedule Booklet on the Registrar’s website (www.lsu.edu/registrar - Quick Links - Schedule Booklet).

Resignation by a specific refund date can impact TOPS and/or Student Aid eligibility. See below for additional information.

Louisiana Office of Student Financial Aid (TOPS) | 1-800-259-5626 | mylosfa.la.gov/students-parents/scholarships-grants/tops/

Resignation from the university will result in the cancellation of the student’s TOPS award as they will not be meeting the Continuous Enrollment Rule, which requires students to complete one class per fall and spring semester for the eight semesters TOPS is received. The student must file and have an approved exception with the LOFSA office to regain TOPS eligibility. Students should contact the LOFSA office to discuss this appeal process and eligible exceptions prior to resigning.

Grade point average (GPA), number of hours earned in a year, and other TOPS award requirements must also be met to remain eligible.

LSU Financial Aid & Scholarships - Pleasant Hall | 225-578-3103 | financialaid@lsu.edu | scholarships@lsu.edu 

Prior to resigning, students who receive institutional scholarships, federal grants, and/or loans should contact LSU Financial Aid and Scholarships to discuss the potential impact on current and/or future eligibility.

A resignation may affect a student’s ability to meet the LSU Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy and may jeopardize their eligibility for financial aid in future semesters. For specific SAP requirements refer to lsu.edu/sap.

Resignations may affect the student’s loan repayment status as the repayment period begins anytime the student ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis.

Student Aid Resignation Policy

Students who receive financial aid and then resign or unofficially withdraw (cease attendance) during the first 60 percent of the enrollment period will be required to repay all or part of the aid they received. The amount of aid that must be returned is based on the period of time the student remained enrolled. A student’s withdrawal/resignation date is:

  • The date the student began the University’s withdrawal process or officially notifies the University of his/her intent to withdraw, or
  • The student’s last date of contact for the course either through attendance, examination, quiz, or assignment.

Financial Aid Resignation Policy

Class Attendance Verification Process

If a student who receives financial aid resigns on or after the dates listed above, they will be required to complete the Class Attendance Verification process. Students will receive the required Class Attendance Verification form from LSU Financial Aid and Scholarship during the resignation process.

Completion and submission of this form, which shows attendance in classes at least one time, verifies that the student has earned part or all of the financial aid they received. If a student resigns on or after the dates listed above and obtains all instructors’ signatures verifying that they attended classes at least one time, they will keep 100% of federal financial aid received. If a student resigns before these dates or does not complete the Class Attendance Verification process they may no longer be eligible to receive aid.

It is imperative that the student completes and returns this form, including attendance information and professors’ signatures, by the set deadline. Out-of-state students and those whose medical condition prevents them from obtaining these signatures must email Jessica Ott at jott@lsu.edu for guidance.

Visit the LSU Financial Aid & Scholarship website (lsu.edu/financialaid/policies/resignation_policy.php) for more detailed information on
this policy.