Buy a Brick or Paver

sample bricks in front of stephenson pet clinic

Support the Stephenson Pet Clinic

Your personalized message engraved on a brick or paver leading to the new Stephenson Pet Clinic helps lead the way to the LSU Vet Med's ever-expanding excellence.

Engraved bricks and pavers are a thoughtful way to memorialize a pet, pay tribute to a friend or family member, or honor a memory or event. They are a lasting tribute to your honoree that will be viewed by the many visitors and clients to the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. 

Proceeds support the Stephenson Pet Clinic and the animals it serves.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the gift amounts for Stephenson Pet Clinic bricks and pavers?

Each engraved 4” x 8” brick is $200. It includes three lines of text with 16 characters per line.

Each engraved 8” x 8” paver is $500. It includes six lines of text with 16 characters per line.

What will my brick look like?

Please scroll to the banner photo at the top of this page for examples of a 4” x 8” brick and an 8” x 8” paver. All engraved text will be centered and uppercase.

Is there any text that I cannot include on my brick?

LSU reserves the right to approve all inscribed text.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, your donation is tax deductible. You will receive an email receipt for your taxes immediately upon submitting your brick purchase. 

How can I confirm my engraved message?

You will receive a confirmation email from Brooke Miller ( to finalize the engraved message on your brick.

Will you send a notice of my gift to the honoree?

If you select “Yes” on the "Do you have someone you’d like for us to send an acknowledgement of your gift to?" option on the order form, then we will mail a card notifying them of your thoughtful gift.

When will my brick be installed?

Brick orders will be placed twice each year: once in the spring (March) and once in the fall (October). From the time the bricks are ordered, it will take approximately 8-9 weeks for bricks to be installed.

How will I find my brick once it is installed?

Once bricks are installed, we will send you an email with a map of your brick’s section location. If you are unable to visit campus just let us know, and we will email you a photo of your installed brick.

What if I have more questions?

Contact Brooke Miller, Assistant Director of Development Services, at