
Advisory Committees

CAMD Executive Council

Dean Cynthia Peterson, College of Science
Interim Dean Karsten Thompson, College of Engineering
Vice President Robert Twilley, Office of Research and Economic Development

CAMD Scientific Advisory Committee

Christopher G. Arges, Chair, LSU Chemical Engineering
James Dorman, LSU Chemical Engineering
Les Butler, LSU Chemistry
Kip Matthews, LSU Physics
Cherice Evans, Queens College, Chemistry
David R. Mullins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Benjamin Peterson, LSU Chemical Engineering - Student Representative
(Each year the executive council evaluates CAMD's performance according to the MOU metrics.)

CAMD's Mission and Vision Statement

CAMD Organization Chart

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Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices
6980 Jefferson Hwy.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
225-578-8887 Tel. (main office)
225-578-6954 Fax

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