
CAMD Service Center - Beginning Operations July 1, 2022

The CAMD Service Center has been established to help underwrite the cost of operations of the facility.  The following rates are based on the cost of electricity for operating the accelerator and funding of the beamline staff salaries.  Usage is billed in half-day increments based on time used with synchrotron light on your sample.  Costs are low for students taking their own data but beamline support is available if needed.  In order to access CAMD you can request beamtime from the form on the right.  We also include links for the Radiation Safety Materials.


User Daily Rate
LSU Student/Postdoc without Beamline Scientist support $64
LSU Users requiring Beamline Scientist support $408
External Academic Student/Postdoc without Beamline Scientist support $408
External Academic Users requiring Beamline Scientist support $816
Industrial / National Laboratory Users $1,632


To establish an account and request an initial assignment of beamtime, fill out the Beamtime Request Form. If you have an established account (and have a project reference number, PRN) you can contact your beamline scientist directly to request an assignment for additional beamtime.

Click here to find out more about the Advantages of using CAMD