
The Protein Crystallography Beamline at CAMD

We are now scheduling users for access to the beamline. Prospective users can contact us via e-mail at ngilbert@lsu.edu or call Nathan Gilbert at (225) 578- 9342.

We continue to offer mail-in crystallography to both consortium members and outside users.  CAMD delivers user beam, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday.  The schedule consists of 8 days of  user time followed by 2 days for machine studies and maintenance.  To view the scheduled operation of the synchrotron, please visit CAMD's beamline schedule web page. 

Industrial Services

We also offer our services to industry.


PX Beamline
6980 Jefferson Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Phone: (225) 578 - 7137
Fax: (225) 578 - 6954

Nathan Gilbert
Beamline Manager
Tel: 225-578-9342

Robert Fox
GCPCC Director
Tel: 409-578-7137
Email: rofox@uh.edu