Jennifer Cook, EdD, taught for eleven years in public schools in the Baton Rouge area,
where she taught math, science, social studies, computer science, and STEM courses.
Dr. Cook has a Bachelor in Geography and History from Louisiana Tech University, a
Master of Education in Educational Leadership from 51Âþ» at Shreveport,
a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in STEM,
and a Doctorate in Educational Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Dr. Cook was the Education Coordinator at Louisiana Sea Grant for two years. During
this time, she created teacher lesson plans on the importance of wetlands for the
state of Louisiana. Dr. Cook also conducted hands-on outdoor learning experiences
for students and teachers throughout the coastal regions. These workshops strove to
educate individuals about the issues that are taking place with the state’s coast
and created a sense of stewardship for each individual. Dr. Cook is currently the Office of Professional Experiences and Certification Coordinator
in LSU's School of Education. In this role, she coordinates all certifications for
teacher residents, creates Title II reports, reports information to the LDOE and BESE,
and works with teacher residents on placements.
J. Cook and M. Piccoli. (Oral/Virtual). Building English Learners’ Background Knowledge to Teach Changes in
the Pontchartrain Basin Due to Climate Change. Association of Teacher Education. New
Orleans, LA. - 2025.
J. Cook, C. Korson, and A. Luginbul-Mather. (Oral/Virtual). Open the Door for Geohumanities: Assessing the needs, access, collaboration,
and implementation of Open Educational Resources. Association of American Geographers
Annual Conference. Detroit, MI. - 2025.
J. Cook. (Oral/Virtual). Connecting English Learners’ Background Knowledge to Changes in the
Pontchartrain Basin (PB) Due to Climate Change. Detroit, MI. - 2025.
J. Cook. (Oral/Virtual). Inquiry-based GT Activities for People and the Planet. Association
of Gifted and Talented Students in Louisiana. Lafayette, LA. - 2024.
J. Cook and M. Piccoli. (Oral/Virtual). A Science Lesson Case Study: Connecting EL’s Background Knowledge
to Changes in the Pontchartrain Basin (PB) Due to Climate Change. Louisiana Teachers
of English for Speakers of Other Languages (LaTESOL). Vidalia, LA. - 2024.
J. Cook. (Oral/Virtual). Real-World Math Connections for Informed Citizens. Louisiana Association
of Teachers of Mathematics. Baton Rouge, LA. -2024.
2024 Our Changing Louisiana.$8000. Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary. Lead PI.
2023 Changes of the Pontchartrain Basin: Historical and Ecological Differences Due
to Climate Change. $79,136. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Lead PI.
2023 Plastics on Parade: Cultivating responsible parade culture in Louisiana. $96,443. Environmental Protection Agency. Lead PI.