Early Childhood Education Faculty

Photo of Jennifer Baumgartner

Jennifer J. Baumgartner

Associate Professor

Bachelor's Degree:  Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1997
Master's Degree:  Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana, 2001
PhD:  Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana, 2004

Phone: 225-578-0312
Email: jbaum@lsu.edu
Office: 101 Peabody Hall

Photo of Alicia Benton

Alica Benton 

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

Bachelor's Degree: Child Development and Family Relations, K-6 Teaching Certificate, University of North Carolina-Greensboro, 1991
Master's Degree: Reading and Learning Exceptionalities, Appalachian State University, 2000
PhD: Curriculum and Instruction, 51Âþ»­, 2018

Phone: 225-578-5529
Email: abento9@lsu.edu
Office: 213 Peabody Hall

Photo of Cynthia DiCarlo

Cynthia F. DiCarlo 

Diane Toups Goyette Professor
Executive Director | Early Childhood Education Laboratory Preschool
Executive Director | LSU Early Childhood Education Institute

Bachelor's Degree: Sociology, University of New Orleans, 1992
Master's Degree: Early Childhood Special Education, University of New Orleans, 1995
PhD: Special Education with a concentration in Early Intervention, University of New Orleans, 2004
Other: National Board Certification, Early Childhood through Young Adulthood/Exceptional Needs Specialist, 2004

Phone: 225-578-7005
Email: cdicar2@lsu.edu
Office: 236 Peabody Hall

Photo of Hillary Eisworth

Hillary B. Eisworth 

Associate Professor of Professional Practice

Bachelor's Degree: Psychology, Louisiana Tech University, 1996
Master's Degree: Educational Psychology, Louisiana Tech University, 1999; Special Education, University of Nevada – Las Vegas, 2001
PhD: Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007

Phone: 225-578-1282
Email: hbraud@lsu.edu
Office: 221H Peabody Hall


Eugene Geist


Bachelor's Degree: University of Cincinnati
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati
PhD: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Phone: 225-578-2045
Email: genegeist@lsu.edu
Office: 223H Peabody Hall

Photo of Laura Piestrzynski

Laura Piestrzynsk

Assistant Professor of Early and Elementary Literacy

Bachelor's Degree: Early Childhood Education, University of Illinois, 2001
Master's Degree: Curriculum and Instruction (Language and Literacy), University of Illinois, 2004
PhD: Teaching and Learning (Language, Literacy, and Culture), 2020

Phone: 225- 578-6324
Email: piestrzynski@lsu.edu
123A Peabody Hall