

    Online Safety Training

    The LSU web based training package for laboratory safety works in conjunction with the EHS Assistant (environmental management database) to meet the regulatory based training requirements. The assigned training and due dates can be seen by PI’s from the main EHS Assistant Screen. E-mail reminders of late training are sent out on a monthly basis.

    PAWS ID and password are required for logging into the training.  Upon log-in, you will get a list of all the training courses offered by EHS. Courses are assigned based on your department and lab. Please note that you do not have to take all the courses offered. The list is color coded.  Pink indicates that the course has been assigned to you but have not been completed. Blue indicates that the training is current. “Offered but not required” means that you do not have to take it. Each course need to repeated yearly.

    Selection of a course

    All laboratory personnel are required to take the general safety training. If you work in an area that has biologicals, chemicals, or physical processes, then you are laboratory worker and must take the general training. Computer-only-work is exempt from the training. If you have the potential to work with hazardous chemicals, you need to take the additional chemical safety training. If you work with biological materials, you must take the basic bio-safety training. If you work in a BL2 or BL3 lab there is additional training required which will be assigned by your research director.

    Required and overdue courses

    All training needs to be repeated on a yearly basis.

    In Summary

    All lab workers (including undergrad students) must take the general laboratory safety modules.

    • Basic Laboratory Safety Training
    • Hazard Communication
    • Emergency Response Training

    All lab workers that create or handle Hazardous Materials must take:

    • Hazardous Waste Training

    All lab workers that handle gas cylinders are required to take:

    • Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety Training

    Chemists and Chemical Engineers are required to take the chemical safety modules:

    • Chemical Safety

    All biological lab workers are required to take:

    • Basic Bio-safety

    Anybody with potential for exposure to Blood or Blood-borne Pathogens must take:

    • Blood-borne Pathogens

    Additional biological training is required for BL2 work:

    • Risk Assessment
    • Bio Security
    • Biosafety Cabinets
    • Anybody working with rDNA

    The respiratory protection modules are needed for BL3 work:

    • N95 Use
    • PAPR Use

    In the case where you are not in the system, an information form will appear, and you need to fill out the following information:

    • ID – This can be the LSU PAWS ID or their 89 number.
    • Name – First and last,
    • Cell Phone – Needed for emergency contact.
    • LSU E-mail – LSU is Preferred 
    • Department – Use the pick list.
    • Position – Undergrad, Grad Assistant, Post Doc, Research Associate, etc.  Use the picklist.
    • PI name and Permit number. Permit number will appear.  If you have multiple permits, please select the chemical permit. There is no need to add people on a second permit.

    Save and the information goes into a buffer file for approval. Please note that addition to the EHSA list is not automatic.  You will have to reenter your information each time you log into the system until approved by system administrator.