
OSHA Regulations

The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards provide safety and health rules that are recognized as providing protection for employees performing most types of duties. These rules form the core of the University’s safety rules and procedures, as the LSU Occupational and Environmental Safety Policy requires adherence to these rules. LSU employees are no different in this respect than employees in commerce and industry. The OSHA standards are divided into two major categories. The Construction Standards are in 29CFR1926 and cover work involved in major maintenance, renovation and construction. The General Industry Standards are in 29CFR1910 and cover all other activities in the work place, including routine maintenance, adjustments, production, and other tasks. For your convenience, the OSHA standards are on the World Wide Web and can be accessed by clicking the following address: 

Environmental Protection Standards & Regulations

LSU is subject to the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the regulations set forth by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Assistant Director, Environmental Health and Safety, administers the environmental program on our campus, collecting the hazardous waste generated by our various activities, and making proper disposal arrangements. Questions about this program should be directed to Mike Hooks. You can Email him at the following address: Mike Hooks, Assistant Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Internet locations where more information can be located:

Fire Protection Standards

LSU is committed to complying with NFPA fire protection standards. These standards are available from the Office of Facility Planning and Control and from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. If you have questions about fire protection requirements or wish to have an inspection made by someone from our group, call the Safety Program Coordinator at 8-5640.

The Louisiana State Fire Marshal is the group who inspects and enforces the fire protection regulations on campus. Generally, the Fire Marshal inspector will visit buildings once per year to make the inspections. Correcting the conditions found in these inspections is a cooperative effort of the building occupants and the Facility Services group.

Consumer Product Safety Information

Many “consumer products” are used daily in the activities on campus. Safety of these items are monitored by the Consumer Product Safety Commission or CPSC, and notices of recall and product safety information are services provided by this agency. The agency has a web page which lists all safety notices that have been sent on products that may be dangerous. An example is playground equipment that may be painted with lead based paint. Access this agency at . There is also a hotline at (800) 638-2772.
