
For Additional Information Contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness
Phone: 225-578-1919       Email: emergencyprep@lsu.edu

Fire and Emergency Procedures

Response to Fires and Fire Alarms

  1. Try to remain calm and Do Not Enter an Area that may become Dangerous.
  2. Pull the fire alarm and begin evacuation of the building in accordance with the fire plan.
  3. Call Campus Police (911 or 225-578-3231) and Facility Services (225-578-2327)
  4. Assure complete evacuation using assistance from others (floor monitors)
  5. Monitor situation until all clear is given by Campus Police. Do Not let Unauthorized People Enter the Building.

Response to Bomb Threats

  1. Keep the person on the phone – ask “When”, “Where”, “What”, and “Why”
  2. After the call, do not hang up the phone unless you must call for help.
  3. Call Campus Police (225-578-3231) immediately (during the call if possible)
  4. Notify Supervisor and follow his/her guidance
  5. Do not touch or move any suspicious package.
  6. Above all, remain calm and avoid creating a panic.

Response to Chemical Spills and Releases

Chemical spills and releases vary considerably in significance. If it is possible for the person involved to clean up the spill or stop the release safely, then it is appropriate for the person to do so.  The following steps should be followed to respond to chemical spills and releases which cannot be controlled or cleaned up by lab personnel or workers at the scene:

  1. Notify Supervisor and determine the Level of severity
  2. Call EHS (225-578-5640) and LSU Police (225-578-3231). Obtain SDS and make available to emergency response personnel
  3. Protect yourself and others from exposure to chemicals and vapors
  4. Control ignition sources if flammables are involved, i.e. electrical switches, open flames, etc.
  5. Begin evacuation if necessary to preserve health and safety
  6. Follow Directions from EHS and Campus Police

The Level of severity is determined from the following:

Level 1: Minor spill in work or lab area controlled and cleaned up by workers or lab personnel. No response by University EHS or University Police.

Level 2: Moderate spill which causes work area personnel to be unable to control and/or clean up. Such may include accidents where large areas in the work area are impacted by debris or chemicals. LSU EHS will control activities with assistance from campus police and perform gross cleanup. Where injuries are involved, City EMS will be called by campus police if needed. (Refer to NOTE under Level 3 if a serious injury is involved.)

Level 3: Large spill which is not a threat to the public and is contained or limited to the campus. Such spill may require evacuation of buildings under the direction of LSU Police. Baton Rouge City Hazmat will be called to assist or take control where there is need for analytical assistance, site assessment and / or manpower. Hazmat will assume role of Incident Commander with assistance from EHS and University supervision/faculty.

The Louisiana State Police Right to Know Unit and the Baton Rouge Fire Department Hazmat Unit will be contacted if there is a hazardous materials release with:

  • an injury with hospitalization,
  • fatality, 
  • a fire or explosion which potentially threatens off site personnel,
  • a release of a hazardous material in an amount which exceeds the reportable quantity (check with EHS for quantities), and which may get offsite.

Level 4: An event where a major portion of the campus is affected, or the spill is a threat to the neighboring community or the environment. In this event, City Hazmat and State Police will be notified to assume incident commander status and coordinate activities of all concerned. Such an event would include train derailment, tanker truck accident, pipeline rupture, plane crash, major fire involving hazardous materials, etc. All other agencies will follow the guidance of the State Police.

Containers of chemicals or chemical mixtures that may be unstable or sensitive to movement may have to be handled as a bomb. In such cases, EHS will work through University Police to have the Baton Rouge City Police Bomb Squad respond.

Response to Accidents Involving Injuries

The following steps should be followed to respond to injuries resulting from accidents:

  1. Determine the extent of the injury to decide the best mode of response. Avoid further injury to the victim or to oneself.
  2. If the injury will require medical treatment other than first aid, call 911 immediately, providing directions to campus police and indicating whether or not chemicals or other agents are involved.
  3. Render first aid at the scene for minor injuries. For more serious injuries then call the Employee Injury Call Center at 877-764-3574 to speak to a registered nurse.  The Call Center is available 24 hours every day.  The nurse will discuss the incident/injury with the employee and determine the employee’s immediate medical needs which may be treatment by the Student Health Center or the Emergency Room at a local hospital.
  4. Assist emergency personnel upon arrival, directing them to the scene .
  5. Secure the scene for an accident investigation by EHS or the supervisor  (See Accident Reporting).
  6. Complete paperwork on accident as required in PS 90, Workers Compensation for University employees.

Note: LSU’s Policy Statement 67 (Misuse of Drugs or Alcohol) requires Drug Screening following an accident that occurs during the course and scope of an employee’s employment that

  • involves circumstances leading to a reasonable suspicion of the employee’s drug use,
  • results in a fatality,
  • results in or causes the release of hazardous waste or materials, or
  • involves an on-the-job injury or potentially serious accident, injury, or incident in which safety precautions were violated, equipment or property was damaged, or unusually careless acts were performed. Such testing is required of any employee who is directly involved in such an incident and whose action or inaction may have been a causative factor.”

Supervisors must consult with LSU Human Resources or Public Safety/Risk Management for guidance on drug screening, or to recommend a screen of an individual following a triggering event. PS 67 may be accessed on the LSU home page.

Response to Natural Gas Leaks

The following steps should be followed to respond to natural gas leak:

  1. Control Ignition Sources.
  2. Call Campus Police (911 or 225-578-3231) and Facility Services (225-578-2327 or 225-578-3186).
  3. Turn off gas if location of valve is known and it is safe to do so.
  4. Follow guidance of Facility Services and EHS.
  5. If leak is significant, evacuate area and keep people out.

Response to Radiation Incidents

The following steps should be followed to respond to radiation incidents such as spills and loss of radioactive material:

  1. For spills or loss of material, immediately notify Campus Police at 911 and Radiation Safety at 225-578-2747.
  2. Keep all potentially contaminated persons in the general vicinity of the lab to prevent the spread of contamination.
  3. Secure the lab. For fires and other laboratory upsets, notify Campus Police (911).
  4. Notify the Radiation Safety Office at 225-388-2747.
    1. For injuries, call Campus Police at 911 and handle the situation in the same manner as a non radiation injury.
    2. Notify the Radiation Safety Officer.

Radioactive Materials in LSU labs are such that taking care of the emergency will pose little or no exposure potential to people involved.

Response to Threatening Individuals

The following steps should be followed to respond to threatening individuals:

  1. Do Not Become Confrontational
  2. Observe the person closely, taking note of clothing, method of travel, any weapons displayed or implied.
  3. Take note of whether the threats are verbal or physical.
  4. Disengage the individual and call Campus Police immediately at 225-578-3231.
  5. Notify department head, supervisor and fellow workers.
  6. Remain as calm and collected as possible, avoiding panic.