
Safety Manual 


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Table of Contents

I. Introduction

  1. Preface
  2. Reserved


II. General Policies and Standards

  1. Emergency Procedures
    1. Injuries
    2. Emergency Plan for Gas Leaks
    3. Fire Protection/evacuation Plan
    4. Chemical/biological Emergency Response
    5. Security Threats
    6. Storms
    7. Radiation Emergency
  2. Operational Safety & Loss Prevention Plan
  3. Safety and Environmental Responsibilities
    1. Chancellor and Chancellor’s Staff
    2. Deans, Directors, and Department Heads
    3. Professors and Other Supervisors
    4. Employees, Students and Visitors
  4. Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
    1. Scope
    2. Duties
    3. Services Available Through Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
  5. University Safety Committee
    1. Responsibilities
    2. Duties of the University Safety Committee
  6. Standards
  7. Louisiana Building Code for State Owned Buildings
    1. Exit and Means of Egress
    2. Panic Hardware for Required Exits
    3. Locking or Obstructing Exits and Passageways
    4. Exit Signs
    5. Emergency Lighting
    6. Fire Alarms
    7. Portable Fire Extinguishers
    8. Storage of Flammables in State Buildings
    9. Evacuation Diagrams
  8. Emergency Showers and Eyewash Station
    1. Procedures and Operation
    2. Portable Eye Wash Stations


III. Administrative Elements

  1. Hazard Control
  2. Safety Meetings
  3. Pre-fire Plan
  4. Accident Reports
    1. Occupational Accident or Illness Report
    2. Automobile Accident or Loss Notice
    3. Liability Accident Notice
    4. LSU Police Reports
    5. Verbal Reports
  5. Accident Investigations
    1. Formal Investigations
    2. Informal Investigations by Supervisors
    3. The Investigation Procedure
    4. Approval Process and Routing
    5. Completing Items in the Action Plan
  6. Job Safety Analysis
  7. Safety and Health Inspections and Reports
    1. Safety and Health Inspections
    2. Laboratory Inspections
    3. Miscellaneous Inspections


IV. Safety

  1. Fire Safety in Dormitories
    1. Fire Hazards on Campus
    2. Fire Safety Features
    3. Fire Prevention for Students
    4. Fire Extinguishers
    5. Fire Drills
    6. Guide for Fire-safe Christmas Decorations In Student Rooms
    7. Guide for Safe Christmas Decorations In Other Common Areas
  2. Electrical Safety
    1. Electric Codes and Safety Standards
    2. Medical Services and First Aid
    3. Employee Training
    4. General Electrical Safety Precautions
    5. Electrical Installations
    6. Special Rules for Power Distribution Circuits
    7. High Voltage Testing
    8. Overhead Power Line Work
    9. Underground Electrical Work
    10. Power Substation Installations and Worker Rules
    11. Additional Rules for Power House Workers
    12. Wiring in Wet Locations
    13. Use of Electrically Powered Equipment and Tools
    14. Ground Fault Circuit Protection
    15. Extension Cords - See the Appendix for Guidelines on Extension Cord Use
    16. Hazardous Locations
  3. Stairs & Ladders
    1. General Requirements
    2. Stairways
    3. Stairrails and Handrails
    4. Ladders
    5. Portable Ladders
    6. Fixed Ladders
    7. Cages for Fixed Ladders
    8. Wells for Fixed Ladders
    9. Ladder Safety Devices and Related Support Systems for Fixed Ladders
    10. Mounting Ladder Safety Devices for Fixed Ladders
    11. Use of All Ladders
    12. Structural Defects
    13. Glossary
  4. Scaffolds
    1. General Requirements for All Scaffolds
    2. Tube and Coupler Scaffolds
    3. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffolds
  5. Material Handling
    1. Lifting by Hand
    2. Handtrucks
    3. Requirements for Heavy Construction Equipment
    4. Fork Trucks
    5. Hoists
    6. Insulated Aerial Baskets
    7. Hand Signals
    8. Slings
  6. Confined Spaces
    1. Confined Space
    2. A Permit Required Confined Space
    3. Training
    4. Hazards of Confined Spaces
    5. Procedures
  7. Handling, Using, and Storing of Compressed Gas Cylinders
    1. Handling Cylinders
    2. Using Cylinders
    3. Storing Cylinders
  8. Control of Hazardous Energy: Lockout/tag out
    1. Purpose
    2. Definitions
    3. Training
    4. Preparation for Lock and Tag out Procedures
    5. Routine Maintenance & Machine Adjustments
    6. Locks, Hasps, and Tags
    7. Sop: General Lock and Tag out Procedures -Shutdowns
    8. Machine or Equipment Isolation
    9. Lockout or Tagout Device Application
    10. Stored Energy
    11. Verification of Isolation
    12. Extended Lockout – Tagout
    13. Release from Lockout/tagout
    14. LOTO Procedure for Electrical Plug-type Equipment
    15. LOTO Procedures Involving More than One Employee
    16. Management’s Removal of Lock and Tag out
    17. Contractors
  9. Excavations, Trenching, and Shoring
  10. Safety in Welding and Cutting Operations
    1. General
    2. Protective Clothing and Equipment
    3. Eye Protection
    4. Work in Confined Spaces
    5. Ventilation
    6. Fire Prevention
    7. Gas Welding and Cutting
    8. Electric Arc Welding
  11. Safe Use of Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools
    1. Screwdrivers
    2. Hammers
    3. Punches
    4. Chisels
    5. Hacksaws
    6. Files
    7. Axes and Hatchets
    8. Knives
    9. Crowbars
    10. Shovels
    11. Box and Socket Wrenches
    12. Electric Saws
    13. Portable Grinder
    14. Air Hoses
  12. Safety Rules for Woodworking Machines
    1. General
    2. Housekeeping
    3. Guards
    4. Illumination
    5. Inspection
    6. Personal Protective Equipment
    7. Code References for Woodworking Machines
  13. Guide to Woodworking
    1. Table Saw
    2. Radial Arm Saw
    3. Band Saw
    4. Jointer/planer
    5. Wood Shaper
    6. Sander
    7. Lathe
    8. Circular Saw Blades for Cutting Wood
  14. Machine Safeguarding Requirements
    1. Flywheels
    2. Machine Guards
    3. Gears, Sprockets, Friction Drives
    4. Belt, Chain or Rope Drives
    5. Shafting
    6. Belt Conveyors
  15. Grounds Maintenance
    1. Hand Tools
    2. Gasoline Powered Equipment
    3. Lawn Trimmers
    4. Power Lawn Mowers
    5. Riding Mowers
    6. Garden Tractors:
    7. Pesticides
    8. Poison Ivy and Poison Oak
  16. Water Vessel Operation
    1. Inspection
    2. Training
    3. Accidents
    4. General
    5. Water Vessel Safety Program
  17. Vehicle Operation
    1. Inspection
    2. Training
    3. Accidents
    4. General
    5. Safe Drivers Program

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V. Industrial Hygiene

  1. Hazardous Material
    1. Hazardous Material Information
    2. Hazard Communication Program
    3. Hazardous Materials Definitions
    4. Chemical Handling and Storage
    5. Biohazard Control
  2. Indoor Air Quality and Sanitation
    1. Indoor Air Quality Rules
    2. Housekeeping
    3. HVAC Preventive Maintenance
    4. Basics for Handling Food Safely
  3. Safety Rules for the Laboratory
    1. Chemical Hygiene Plan
    2. Laboratory Ventilation
    3. Refrigerators
    4. Food and Beverage Consumption
  4. Asbestos
    1. General
    2. Responsibilities
  5. Illumination for Occupational Tasks
    1. Background
    2. Definitions
  6. Hot Environments
    1. Heat Cramps
    2. Heat Exhaustion
    3. Heat Stroke
    4. Heat Rashes
    5. Training
  7. Ergonomics
    1. Why Are WMSDS a Problem?
    2. Rules to Prevent WMSDS
    3. Simple Solutions Often Work Best
    4. Contact EHS for Assistance
  8. Respiratory Protection Program
    1. General
    2. General Program Management – Responsibilities
    3. Voluntary Use
    4. Respirator Selection
    5. Medical Evaluation
  9. Noise
    1. Technical Information
    2. Effects
    3. Standards
    4. Program Requirements for Occupational Noise Exposure 

VI. Personal Protection Program

  1. Eye Protection
    1. General
    2. Prescription Lens Wearers
    3. Contact Lens Wearers
    4. Approval and Selection
    5. Inspection and Maintenance
    6. Other
  2. Hearing Protection
    1. Employees/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Fitting
    4. Inspection and Maintenance
    5. Other
  3. Hand Protection
    1. Employees/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Fitting
    4. Inspection and Maintenance
    5. Glove Materials
  4. Respiratory Protection Program
    1. General Program Requirements
    2. Rules for Respirator Program
    3. Fit Testing
    4. Rules for Maintenance, Care and Use of Respirators
    5. Identification of Filters, Cartridges, and Canisters
    6. Training and Information
  5. Fall Protection
    1. Employees/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Fitting
    4. Inspection and Maintenance
    5. Classification of Safety Belts and Harnesses
  6. Foot Protection
    1. Employees/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Inspection and Maintenance
  7. Head Protection
    1. Employees/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Fitting
    4. Inspection and Maintenance
    5. Selection Chart for Head Protection for University Employees
  8. Protective and Preventive Clothing
    1. Employee/students Covered
    2. Approval and Selection
    3. Fitting
    4. Inspection and Maintenance
    5. Preventive Clothing
  9. Emergency Showers and Eye Wash Stations


VII. Environmental Programs

  1. Hazardous Waste Management Guidelines
    1. Determine If the Material Is a “Hazardous Waste”
    2. Properly Label Waste Containers
    3. Keep Waste in Compatible Containers and Closed at All Times
    4. Store and Containerize Incompatible Waste Separately
    5. Use Pollution Prevention Techniques to Reduce the Amount of Hazardous Waste Generated
    6. Waste Collection Procedures
  2. Hazardous Waste Management Facilities & Programs
    1. The Hazardous Material Control Center (HMCC)
    2. Biomedical Waste Management
    3. Recycling Program
  3. Management of Asbestos Containing Materials
    1. Rules for the Proper Handling of Asbestos Containing Material(ACM)
    2. Construction Document Review and Contractor Notification
    3. Management Plans
    4. Employee Training
  4. Water Quality
    1. Permit Management
  5. Radiation


VIII. Appendix

  1. Hazard Communication Program
    1. Responsibilities
    2. General Program Information
    3. Hazardous Chemical Inventory
    4. Labeling
    5. Material Safety Data Sheets
    6. Training
  2. Hazard Communication-Teaching Outline
    1. Objectives
    2. Modes of Entry into the Body
    3. Effects
    4. Recognizing the Hazard
    5. Material Safety Data Sheets
    6. Review
  3. Incompatible Chemicals Partial Listing
  4. Storage of Flammable Liquids Classes IA, IB, IC
    1. Purpose
    2. Scope
    3. Definitions
    4. Standards
  5. Biosafety Ventilation Equipment
    1. The Class I Biological Safety Cabinet
    2. The Class II Biological Safety Cabinet
    3. The Class III Biological Safety Cabinet
    4. Laminar Flow Clean Air Cabinet
    5. Certification of Biological Safety Cabinets
  6. Training – Heat-related Disorders
    1. Heat Exhaustion
    2. Heat Stroke
  7. Chemical Hygiene Plan
    1. Purpose
    2. Scope
    3. General Principles
    4. General Program Management
    5. Basic Rules and Procedures for Working with Chemicals
    6. Chemical Procurement, Distribution, and Storage
    7. Environmental Monitoring
    8. Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Inspections
    9. Records
    10. Signs and Labels
    11. Information and Training Program
    12. Waste Disposal Program
    13. Engineering Controls
  8. Respiratory Protection Program
    1. Purpose
    2. Scope
    3. Definitions
    4. General Program Management
    5. Voluntary Use
    6. Respirator Selection
    7. Medical Evaluation
    8. Fit Testing
    9. Use of Respirators
    10. Maintenance and Care of Respirators
    11. Breathing Air Quality and Use
    12. Identification of Filters, Cartridges, and Canisters
    13. Training and Information
    14. Program Evaluation
    15. Recordkeeping
  9. Scaffolds
    1. Outrigger Scaffolds
    2. Masons’ Adjustable Multiple-point Suspension Scaffolds
    3. Two-point Suspension Scaffolds (Swinging Scaffolds)
    4. Stone Setters’ Adjustable Multiple-point Suspension Scaffolds
    5. Single-point Adjustable Suspension Scaffolds
    6. Boatswain’s Chairs
    7. Carpenters’ Bracket Scaffolds
    8. Bricklayers’ Square Scaffolds
    9. Horse Scaffolds
    10. Needle Beam Scaffold
    11. Plasterers’, Decorators’, and Large Area Scaffolds
    12. Interior Hung Scaffolds
    13. Ladder-jack Scaffolds
    14. Window-jack Scaffolds
    15. Roofing Brackets
    16. Crawling Board or Chicken Ladders
    17. Float or Ship Scaffolds
  10. Basic Crane Hand Signals
  11. Guide for Extension Cord Use
  12. Safe Driver Program
  13. Water Vessel Operator Safety Program
  14. Forms
    1. Safety Checklist for Labs Where Infectious Agents and Recombinant DNA Research Is Performed
    2. Building Inspection Checklist for Fire and General Safety
    3. Safety Checklist for Research Labs (Class A)
    4. Construction and Fire Protection Requirements for Laboratory Units
    5. Safety Checklist for Research and Teaching Labs (Class C)
    6. Building Inspection Checklist for Fire Watch Personnel
    7. Safety Checklist for Research and Teaching Labs (Class C)-Mechanical Engineering
    8. Construction Review
  15. Hazmat Response Levels
  16. Operational Safety and Loss Prevention Plan