Before the Storm
Outside Activities
- Lash down all flammable storage drums.
- Lash down all empty drums, etc..
- Lash down all loose equipment.
- Bring into building and/or garage all other outside equipment, such as plants, trash containers, parking lot trash containers, etc.
- Place company vehicles inside garages (should be filled with gasoline).
- Fill emergency vehicles with gasoline prior to storm. Park inside if possible.
- Inspect for loose debris about building, especially lightweight materials..
- Pick up all debris and as much leaves as possible that could clog drains (roadway drains and roof drains).
- Secure sub-level hatches (water main pit, cooling tower pit, pit, etc.).
- After storm check for water levels .
- Assure communications capability with the fire department (may lose telephone lines to the Fire Department).
Inside Duties
- All operations that depend upon forced ventilation and/or exhaust should be curtailed if possible as loss of electric power may interrupt ventilation and/or exhaust. .
- All materials should be kept off floors where possible water damage could occur.
- All departments should be notified of impending storm and requested to take proper measures to reduce possible losses due to wind and water damage from possible broken windows and loss of electricity.
During the Storm
- No person should leave the building during the storm, unless for a dire emergency.
- Emergency teams should work together in pairs and never alone. The team should have a 2-way radio and be in contact with their base. The building should be separated into areas for team to patrol, looking out for any water leaks, broken windows or wind damage. The team should have a flashlight or portable electric lamp. If trouble is detected, the team should immediately call for assistance.
- Under no circumstances should anyone use the elevators during the storm. If equipment needed, it may be placed in the elevator and sent to the floor where needed – but no one should accompany the materials on the elevator.
- Maintain periodic communications with other buildings and weather services.
After the Storm
- Note: Do Not Be Fooled!
- Wait until the official weather service has declared the storm over, then proceed to make a damage evaluation inspection of the facility.
- Emergency equipment and supplies should be readily available for use and easily obtainable.
The following is a suggested checklist that may be helpful in planning for a major storm:
- Plywood sheets 1/2 or 3/4 – 4 x 8 (adequate number).
- Rope at least 5/8 – plastic is acceptable.
- Gasoline powered chain saw.
- Sump Pumps and hoses- if low areas will need pumping out.
- Drop cloths (heavy plastic or canvas) 10’x10 – 12’x12.
- Flashlights and batteries.
- Water supply stored in appropriate containers.
- Non perishable foods.
- Sandbags (could be plastic bags) with a source of sand.
- Battery operated radio/TV.
- Two way radios for communication.
- Small generator for electrical power for critical activities / equipment.
- Provision for wrecker or a vehicle with a winch.
Relevant Links
- LSU EOC Campus Status Page for official announcements about the University’s status.
- for information on the State of Louisiana emergency preparedness activities
- Baton Rouge Emergency Operations Center
- Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) Emergency Information Site
- DOTD Emergency Related Information