photo: saundersRebecca Saunders 

WG Haag Professor of Archaeology
Associate Curator of Anthropology


Ph.D. University of Florida, 1992
M.A. University of Florida, 1986
B.A. Florida State University, 1977


Rebecca is currently working with students on Swift Creek and Weeden Island period sites (sites date to ca. A.D.500-1000) on the Florida panhandle as part of a larger project studying prehistoric interaction along the northern Gulf coast. Dr. Saunders also continues to work on Archaic period (ca. 5000-3500) ceremonial sites on the lower Atlantic coast (South Carolina to Florida).

Selected Publications

Saunders, Rebecca, and Margaret Wrenn*. In press Crafting Orange Pottery in Early Florida: Production and Distribution. In New Histories of PreColumbian Florida, edited by Neill J. Wallis and Asa R. Randall. University of Florida Press.

*Tuller, Hugh, and Rebecca Saunders 2012 The Use of Crossover-Immunoelectrophoresis to Detect Human Blood Protein in Soil from an Ambush Scene in Kosovo. Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Saunders, Rebecca 2012 Deep Surfaces: Pottery Decoration and Identity in the Mission Period. Historical Archaeology 46(1):94-107.

Saunders, Rebecca, and Michael Russo 2011 Coastal Shell Middens in Florida: a View from the Archaic. In Shell Middens as Archives of Past Environments, Human Dispersal and Specialized Resource Management,” Quaternary International 239:38-50.

Saunders, Rebecca, John Wrenn, William Krebs, and Vaughn M. Bryant 2009 Coastal Dynamics and Cultural Occupations on Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida. Palynology 33(2):135-156.

Courses Taught

ANTH 4017 Louisiana Archaeology
ANTH 7909—Seminars in 1) Contact Period Archaeology and Ethnohistory


Rm B19, Gym-Armory (Cox Communication)
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-6562
Fax: 225-578-4420



Rebecca Saunders' CV