
Work for LSU Athletics | LSU Manship School of Mass Communication

Work for LSU Athletics & Earn Credit

Earn Course Credit While Working for LSU Athletics!

LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication and are partnering to offer an unparalleled experiential learning opportunity: earn course credit while gaining sports communication experience working with LSU Athletics.

These three-semester positions provide internship credits the first two semesters and a field experience credit the third semester. Positions are available for Manship School juniors and seniors, and the program will take applicants on a rolling basis each semester.

These positions offer Manship School juniors and seniors the ability to work on projects such as social media, writing, video production, marketing and more in the following positions during the 2020-21 school year:

Sports Information

Communications Student Assistant

  • Media relations for the LSU Athletics program, with an emphasis on day-to-day operations and events — includes working events, coordinating interviews, writing game notes and recaps/previews


Student Reporter 

  • Emphasis on writing feature stories on student athletes and coaches across a variety of sports, particularly unique stories which have not yet been told; considerable flexibility, involves pitching stories for website and social media

Television Production

Broadcast Production Student Assistant 

  • Involves producing live events from control room for the SEC network—includes replays, graphics, technical direction

Video Production

Video Production Student Assistant

  • Works with coaches’ shows, producing features and content for those shows as well as highlight videos and “Week in Review” videos that will be featured on website and social media

Creative Digital Content

Creative Content Student Assistant 

  • Create short (30-60 second) videos for social media and recruiting; lots of leeway and flexibility with an emphasis on creativity


Marketing Student Assistant 

  • Working on advertisements and promotion across sports and digital platforms; emphasis on creative messaging to target audiences

Fan Engagement

Fan Engagement Student Assistant 

  • Event-driven work that includes preparation during the lead-up to the competition; focus on everything that happens in-venue outside of the game itself

For more information, contact masscomm@lsu.edu.