Looking for a way to get involved in the Manship School? Check out our student organizations!
Advertising Federation at LSU (AdFed)
The Advertising Federation at LSU (AdFed)'s primary mission is to protect and promote the well-being of advertising. AdFed accomplishes this by providing guest speakers, conferences and agency tours to help students grasp a better understanding of the industry as well as develop ideas for creative advertising solutions and trends.
For more information, email Dr. Soojin Kim at sjkim@lsu.edu.
Bateman Case Study Competition
The Bateman Case Study Competition is PRSSA’s premier for public relations students and provides an opportunity to apply classroom education and internship experiences to create and implement a full public relations campaign.
For more information, email Prof. Sadie Wilks at sadiewilks@lsu.edu.
Geaux Vote
promotes voter registration regardless of political affiliation or candidate. The organization also promotes civic engagement by encouraging students to campaign for causes affecting LSU students and providing students with the resources to do so.
For more information, email Prof. Len Apcar at lenapcar@lsu.edu.
ImPRint Communications
ImPRint Communications is a nationally affiliated student-run public relations firm at LSU and is affiliated with the PRSSA chapter at LSU. ImPRint Communications is dedicated to providing clients with thorough PR services and solutions.
For more information, email Dr. Nihar Sreepada at nsreepada@lsu.edu.
Kappa Tau Alpha Honor Society
Kappa Tau Alpha is a college honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication. Membership is by invitation only and based solely on excellence in academic work, scholarship and character.
For more information, email masscomm@lsu.edu.
LSU Mock Trial
LSU Mock Trial teams consist of students interested in law, debate and theater. Students are assigned a national case in August, prepare arguments and witnesses for both sides, and compete in tournaments in the spring. Mock trial would be a good fit for students interested in the 3+3 program.
For more information, email Prof. Len Apcar at lenapcar@lsu.edu.
Manship School College Council
The Mass Communication College Council is the student government organization in the Manship School. The Mass Communication College Council represents student interests to the Manship School administration in LSU Student Government. Students of each academic college elect a President, Vice President and three Member-At-Large (MAL) representatives to their College Council. Members are elected for a one-year term each spring semester.
For more information, email masscomm@lsu.edu.
National Association of Black Journalists at LSU (LSU NABJ)
The objective of the ) is to promote the advancement of minorities in the mass communication field. To strengthen the ties among African American communication specialists through service, scholarship, and mentorship. To provide an outlook on resources and professional development within the Manship School. Founded and chartered in April 2020, the organization had formerly been known as the Association of Black Communicators. LSU NABJ was named the 2020 Campus Organization of the Year by LSU Campus Life for its commitment to service and professional development.
For more information, email Prof. Lisa Page at lpage@lsu.edu.
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) promotes the advancement of LSU students in the field of public relations by helping to develop highly qualified and well-prepared graduates. The society also provides real-world experiences and networking opportunities that launch careers.
For more information, email Prof. Sadie Wilks at sadiewilks@lsu.edu.
Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) is dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior among LSU’s journalism students. SPJ also works to inspire and educate current and future journalists through professional development.
For more information, email Prof. Freda Yarbrough Dunne at fyarbroughdunne@lsu.edu.