Proposal Development Toolkit

To assist faculty and staff in pursuing external funding, OSP is pleased to offer the following sample information as reference for the completion of certain proposal elements.  Because each funding opportunity announcement has specific requirements and agency instructions often change, users should always check the specific instructions provided by the agency in the current solicitation, RFP, RFA, program announcement and/or grant proposal guide for any unique requirements or changes in format and always follow the current instructions provided by the agency.

LSU Proposal Examples

ORA has curated a series of proposal examples from agencies LSU researchers commonly apply to, including federal agencies like NEH, NSF, NIH, ED, and DOE, as well as private foundations like the Keck Foundation. Our list is always in progress, and we welcome suggestions for proposal examples as well as volunteers to provide examples. To view these examples, you must be affiliated with LSU and use your PAWS ID to access . This list of resources compiled by ORA are for reference only, and some information has been redacted.  Please be sure to refer to the latest specific sponsor funding opportunity announcement for the program to which you are applying and the sponsor overall proposal guide (e.g., the latest NSF PAPPG) to ensure your proposal meets all current requirements. Please also be reminded of LSU's policy on research misconduct, particularly in terms of plagiarism. Please email if you have any difficulty viewing the examples or have any questions about them.