About Us

Mission Statement

The Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP) was a part of the Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office, Office of the Governor. The OSRADP's mission was to provide the Oil Spill Coordinator with peer-reviewed, scientifically valid tools in the following four categories:

  • spill-of-opportunity;
  • education, training and public awareness;
  • remote sensing and mapping; and
  • spill response, cleanup and harmful ecological consequences.

Advisory Panel

Dan Allen, ChevronTexaco

Kent Satterlee III, Shell Exploration & Production Co. (SEPCo)

Dr. William Campbell, Graduate Studies & Research/Applied & Natural Science, Louisiana Tech University

Harold “Rusty” Wright, Minerals Management Service (MMS)

Chris Piehler, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

Jim Hanifen, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Richard F. Stanek, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division

Rob Yarbrough, Emergency Response Coordinator, ConocoPhilips

Barry Joffrion, Placid Refining Company LLC

Roland Guidry, (chairman) Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office/Office of the Governor

Proposal Review Board

Derald Chriss, Department of Chemistry, Southern University

David Fritz, British Petroleum

Mark Davis, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

J. E. Myers, ChevronTexaco

Dr. Maud Walsh, Department of Agronomy, LSU AgCenter

Dr. Anita George-Ares, Exxon Mobil Biomedical Science

Dr. Albert Venosa, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Roland Guidry, (chairman) Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office/Office of the Governor

Funding History

A program overview pdf is available upon request.